Overdose of coffee

An overdose of caffeine occurs when you consume this substance, exceeding the recommended rate, which on average ranges from 200 to 300 mg per day. Of course, you need to make adjustments for weight, age and health in each case. That's why it's not easy to calculate an acceptable dose of coffee for each day.

Symptoms of an overdose of coffee

There are several alarming "bells" that indicate that you are not all right. Usually people do not pay attention to them, do not consider something serious. But if all these signs are present in the complex, it is worthwhile to reconsider the way of life and attitude to one's nutrition.

So, an overdose of coffee causes a person:

There is a second stage of coffee overdose, when the consequences come even worse:

What to do if an overdose of coffee?

We offer several options treatment of overdose and help with the first symptoms.

  1. Take activated charcoal .
  2. Take a laxative. In more serious cases - to make a lavage of the stomach.
  3. If there is no possibility to consult a doctor - drink 10 mugs of warm water and induce vomiting.
  4. In addition, in any case, you should provide access to fresh air, lie with your eyes closed, and in the long term, exclude caffeine from the diet for at least a week. Doctors recommend severely restricting even the intake of tea at this time, since in tea, especially green, also a high enough caffeine content.