Jam from plum in the multivark

Cooking jam is another useful option of the multivark . And although there are not many subtleties of this process, the cooking process deserves a separate article. Therefore, if you have long wanted to learn about how to brew jam from plums in a multivark, the answers you can find in further recommendations.

Plum jam in the multivariate



Plums mine, dry and cut in half. We extract from the fruits of the stone and put the flesh in enamel or glassware. Sprinkle the plums with sugar and leave for 1 hour. Fruits, together with the allocated juice, we put in a bowl multivarka and we expose a mode "Quenching". After the syrup in the multivark boils, cook for 10 minutes, then turn off the device, leave the jam to cool and repeat the same operation 4 times. Such a cycle will allow the pectin to be released, which is necessary as a natural thickener of our jam. Ready jam is poured over sterile jars and rolled up with lids.

Jam from plums and kiwi in a multivark

If jam from plums does not seem to be original enough, then diversify it with additives in the form of other fruits. Let's start with dainties with the addition of kiwi.



Plums washing, dry, cut in half and extract a stone. We cut the fruits into cubes. Kiwi is peeled and then cut into pieces of the same size. We put the fruit in the bowl of the multivark, sprinkle with sugar, add the lemon juice and zest, and then cook in the "Quenching" mode for 40 minutes. Ready jam can be consumed immediately after cooking, and you can pour over a sterile can and store for the winter.

Jam from plums and peaches in multivark



In the bowl of the multivarka we put sliced ​​and peeled peaches and plums, add lime and juice, ground candied ginger, sugar, water and apple juice. Turn the device on "Quenching" for 50 minutes. The prepared jam will be fragrant, and the fruit in it will soften. At this stage, the jam can be rolled into sterile cans immediately, but you can stretch the fruit with a potato press, and then add a teaspoon of pectin. After 10-15 minutes of cooking, the jam will thicken and turn into a viscous jam.

Jam from plums and apples in a multivark



In a bowl multivarki pour water so as to cover the bottom. Plums, apples and pears are mine, dried, peeled and cut. Pieces of ginger put in a gauze pouch. We lay the prepared fruit and bag with ginger in the bowl of the device and turn on the "Quenching" mode on 1 hour. After 60 minutes, the fruit should become soft.

Now it was the turn to add sugar and stir it in the fruit mixture until the crystals dissolve. After the sugar add the lemon zest and continue to cook the jam for another 20 minutes until the syrup thickens. As soon as this happens, we remove from the syrup gauze sack with ginger, and the jam is poured on sterile jars.

It is worth noting that lovers of spices can add a cinnamon ginger stick, an anise star, a pair of cardamom or clove buds to make the flavor and flavor of the prepared jam more saturated.