Diets with diarrhea

On the one hand, food is a guarantee of health, full-fledged work of the body, and on the other hand, it often acts as a causative agent, more correctly, a carrier of pathogens, diseases. Including diarrhea - a word, from which goose bumps, because diarrhea always comes at the most inopportune moment.

What is provoked by food, then food and treated. Therefore, diets with diarrhea work according to the "wedge-wedge" principle.

Permitted and encouraged

The first thing that is recommended for a diet with a dysbacteriosis with diarrhea is a strict diet. Often, in this state, we refrain from eating, thinking that this is for good. But in fact, diarrhea is a powerful blow to the immune system, which, when weakened, can easily miss infections and bacteria that are more dangerous than diarrhea itself.

Our immune system needs proteins for continuous functioning. And in a diet with diarrhea, dysbacteriosis and vomiting, there is at least one ideal type of protein - lactic acid products.

Kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt, yogurt - all this saturates with protein and restores the intestinal microflora, which is simply washed away.

So, you need to eat, of course, in small portions and very often, preferably, protein products.

Choosing which diet for diarrhea is the most curative and favorable, do not forget about vitamins. Vitamins due to diarrhea are very poorly digested, or rather, do not have time to absorb the entire intestine by 100%. Therefore, there must be a lot of them in our diet now. We focus on freshly squeezed juices and fruit purees.

If a puree of fresh fruit, for the present, is too powerful for your digestive tract, make it from stewed foods. Thermally processed fruits, of course, are easier to digest, although they contain fewer vitamins than raw analogs.

Many remember how in childhood such problems were treated with a "cracker, apple, potato in a uniform" diet. Apples are pectin, it has astringent properties. Dry bread is a grain product, and grains activate the work of the intestines. Well, potatoes are, strangely enough, the most useful, starch. Starch also knits, reduces the intensity of diarrhea. True, the potato should be boiled, without salt and oil.

Diarrhea during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, often there are diarrhea and constipation. These two opposites are justified by one fact - the hormonal difference from which the digestive tract can, how to slow down, and to intensify its work. Diet for diarrhea in pregnant women does not particularly differ from the above rules. You need to eat lactic acid yogurt with live bacteria, starchy, milk soups with noodles and grains, boiled and stewed vegetables , fruits.