World Milk Day

It is possible that you will be very surprised to learn about the existence of such a holiday as World Milk Day. The celebration of this day is gaining momentum, and for today residents of more than 40 countries are commemorating this type of product. The UN decree on the date of World Milk Day was adopted in 2001. And now every year, on June 1, there is an opportunity to once again recall the benefits of milk and products containing it.

Milk festivals, taking place on the Day of Milk, encourage the population to use milk products more often, making their diet healthy and full. Mass tasting of dairy products from different producers and private farmers is conducted. Gaming, playful and fun popularization is only welcome. You can participate in competitions and win an excursion to the dairy or milk a goat on the farm. Often guests of the holiday bring home the prize heads of cheese or brynza, which, with my taste, make me think about the benefits of natural products.

International Day of Milk

This holiday is held in many countries, often also holds an international exhibition of achievements in the dairy sector. Here you can see new technologies used in the production of cheeses, yoghurts, milk-enriched milk, etc. And how many thematic lectures, seminars, promoting the consumption of this product! There is an opportunity to see firsthand how hard the work of farmers is, and how all norms are observed when manufacturing products.

The most active World Milk Day is celebrated in Germany, which by right has won the status of a "dairy country". According to statistics, more than 100,000 farmers are working hard to ensure domestic consumption of milk. AND note, with a lot of attention, effort and resources being paid to the preservation of landscapes and pastures.

It is not for nothing that this holiday coincides with the World Children's Day. After all, they are the main consumers of milk, which has a significant impact on physical and mental development. This product is so rich in various minerals and microelements that it can not be replaced by even the most modern and expensive vitamin complexes.

The International Association of Farmers attracts everyone who wants to expand their knowledge of agriculture and enrich their family's diet with such a valuable food.