Whoopi Goldberg will produce marijuana-based tablets

Great news for those who prefer natural medicines! The world-famous comedian actress Whoopi Goldberg started producing a whole line of medicines for women with cannabis! This was reported by the information portal Daily Mail.

Whoopi Goldberg is known as an ardent supporter of cannabis legalization. She decided to join forces with Ms. Maya Elizabeth, an expert on cannabis. Together, the ladies will release the medicine in a tablet form under the trademark Whoopi & Maya.

Seven ills - one medicine

With the help of know-how from Whoopi and Maya, girls and women will be able to overcome the problem of menstrual pain. The comedian told that her complaints were prompted by her granddaughters to develop the medicine. It should be noted that the tablets from Doopy will not affect the mental state in any way, which means that lovers will not like "catching high". The main goal of the medications is to relieve the pain and relax the smooth musculature.

In addition to the tablets, Whoopi and her companion will be offered a special ointment for women, which must be applied to the lower abdomen, infusion for bathing and drops in tea.

Here's what Vupi told her about her initiative:

"Yes, I do not argue -" jamb "is great! But not every patient can simply puff and go to work. And my medicine can easily be carried in my purse. "
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Goldberg knows what she's talking about - she herself indulges in herbs to get rid of the headaches that provoke glaucoma.