Askaridoz - treatment

Ascariasis is a disease caused by parasitization in the human body of ascarids - roundworms that enter the body in its initial stage of development. Treatment of ascaridosis should be started as early as possible in order to avoid complications.

The causes of ascariasis in adults

Adult ascarids develop in the small intestine of an infected person, laying over 200,000 eggs for 24 hours. When the eggs are emptied, they get through the sewage system into the soil, where they mature after 4 weeks at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. In this way, ascarid larvae penetrate into a healthy body through unprocessed fruits, vegetables, dirty hands, particles of contaminated soil. In addition, the carriers of the disease are flies, on the feet of which there are eggs and larvae of worms.

Getting with food in the intestines of a person, ascarids damage the venous walls, as well as the mucous membrane. After colonization of the small intestine by worms and reaching maturity, parasites can move through the circulatory system to any organs. The most frequent places of their localization are the liver, the right atrium, the lower hollow vein. Over time, ascarids through the bloodstream enter the bronchi and alveoli.

Symptoms of ascaridosis in adults

The main signs that appear when a disease occurs are:

Unfortunately, pronounced signs of ascariasis appear only 1-2 months after infection. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the slightest manifestations of the disease and be sure to take measures to prevent the onset of the disease.

How to treat ascariasis?

First and foremost, medications are prescribed for ascariasis, which are detrimental to adult worms, as well as their larvae and eggs.

Among them the most effective:

Dead individuals of ascaris are excreted from the body with the help of laxatives on the salt basis and cleansing enemas.

Treatment of ascaridosis with folk remedies is effective only as part of complex therapy. One of the most popular means is an enema made of milk with garlic. For its preparation, boil the garlic head in 2 cups of boiled milk, drain the broth and enter it with enema into the intestine. The procedure should be done daily before bedtime.

Also a very common remedy for ascariasis is the onion tincture. Half-liter glass jar should be filled to half chopped onion pulp along with the juice. The remaining volume of the container should be poured with alcohol or vodka, close the lid tightly and leave to infuse for 10 days. After the specified time, tincture must be filtered. It is recommended to take a medicine 2 tablespoons daily twice a day.

Prophylaxis of ascaridosis

To avoid infection, it is necessary to wash thoroughly all the fresh fruits and vegetables that are eaten, especially those in contact with the ground. It is also important to wash hands with antibacterial soap before meals and after contact with soil, street shoes, visiting public places.

One of the measures to prevent ascariasis is a weekly wet cleaning of housing with the use of disinfectant solutions.