Texamen - injections

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are considered one of the most popular medicines. They are used to treat many diseases. Problems with joints without them are sometimes simply impossible to solve. Texamen in pricks is a very effective tool. It helps even in the most difficult cases, when all other medicines are powerless.

Intended use of injections of Texamen

The main active substance in both tablets and Texamen injections is tenoxicam. It belongs to the group of oxycam. Getting into the body, tenoxicam affects the isoenzymes of cyclooxygenase-1, 2, thereby reducing the synthesis of prostaglandins and accelerating phagocytosis, which, in turn, helps reduce inflammation.

Each Tecamena ampoule contains 20 mg of the main active substance. In addition, the medicament also contains auxiliary components:

Indications for the use of pricks Texman

The Texamen was created to combat degenerative changes occurring in tissues against the background of inflammatory processes. The agent is prescribed for such diagnoses:

According to the instruction to injections of Texamen, the remedy can also be used to stop attacks of headache, dental and menstrual pain. Sometimes with the help of Texamena injections, you can treat burns - injections are better than any other analgesic painful pain.

In fact, the principle of the action of tablets and injections of Texamen is the same. Still, injections are considered more effective. That is why they are appointed only in particularly difficult cases. Then, when the painful syndrome is particularly acute. Many specialists practice combined treatment. In this first few days they use Texamen injections, and after that they transfer the patient to tablets.

How to plant texamen nyxes?

Intended to inject Texamen for intravenous and intramuscular administration (the latter option is considered preferable). Prepare fluid for injection will not be difficult even for people without special education.

According to the instructions to the preparation Texamen in pricks, in the bottle with powder you need to add a solvent. The ampoule contains two milliliters of water for injections - this is more than enough. After this, the vial should be shaken gently. Continue to shake it until the powder has dissolved in the water completely.

Use injections, in which there are even small particles of undissolved powder, it is impossible. It is forbidden to use Teaching tips Texman, which at the time of mixing changed color or clouded.

The injection should be as deep as possible in the muscle. In this case, the medicine will last longer.

Dosage of medication Texamen in pricks

In each case, the dose is selected individually. But regardless of the diagnosis, you can not enter more than 20 mg of tenoxicam per day. Increase the dose of the drug to 40 mg is allowed only in the most severe cases. But after two days of such intensive therapy, the dose must be reduced.

The duration of treatment with Texamine can also vary. Usually, five days after the start of the injection course, patients are transferred to tablets. But some require longer treatment - a week, or even two.

Contraindicated in injecting people with individual intolerance to their components. It is undesirable to use Texamen and during pregnancy.