Gout - treatment with medicines, folk remedies and diet

With the diagnosis of gout, treatment is required because the protein metabolism is disturbed in the body. The disease is accompanied by an increase in uric acid in the blood. Gout develops in several stages. At the initial stage - urine compounds accumulate in the body. At a more advanced stage around the joints, granulomas and pineal formations begin to form.

Is it possible to cure gout?

Such a disease as gout, treatment involves complex, but it is important to understand: all possible therapeutic methods are aimed solely at stopping the development of the disease. Completely get rid of the disease is not yet possible. Since curing gout is not possible, all therapeutic strategies are reduced to preventing seizures and normalizing the level of uric acid.

Treatment of gout with exacerbation

Attacks are accompanied by pains, which are often very severe and painful. To cope with such a problem as gout, treatment should begin immediately after the onset of the first signs of the disease. Those means and methods that the doctor assigns for routine therapy and prevention of exacerbations, in this case, do not fit. To stop a gout attack is necessary in a complex way by means of a number of measures, including:

If the diagnosis of gout treatment is started in a timely manner, the attack can be suppressed within 3 days. Noticeable relief is already on the first day. If therapy is neglected, the pain syndrome may not disappear for several weeks. Exacerbation of gout is treated with the maximum allowable daily doses of drugs. After the symptoms become less pronounced, the dosage is reduced.

Gout - medical treatment

In the case of gout disease, medication presupposes the administration of various medications. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications help to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and shorten the duration of an attack. Drugs can be taken or administered topically. Treatment of gout with ointments gives a calming effect and eliminates residual inflammation of the joints.

After the patient's condition returns to normal, in case of gout disease treatment is prescribed, aimed at preventing recurrence of the attack. For such therapy, as a rule, the following means are used:

Ointment from gout

Local remedies are indicated for use with the first symptoms of exacerbation. Gout - how to treat it with ointments? The main thing is to find a suitable remedy. The most popular and effective are such medications as:

The duration of the course of treatment and the method of application for each patient is determined individually, but in most cases, the ointment is recommended to be applied two to three times a day for a month. The agent is rubbed into the skin with light circular motions. When allergic reactions occur, the use of drugs should be discontinued as soon as possible.

Tablets from gout

With a strong attack, experts recommend drinking anti-inflammatory pills. They relieve acute pain, eliminate redness, swelling, restore joint mobility. The most effective pills for gout:

In no case should you try to stop an attack with Aspirin. This drug not only does not help, but it can provoke an opposite reaction, which will worsen the patient's condition. Caution should be taken Naproxen and Diclofenac tablets. They are effective, but they have many contraindications. Pills can not be drunk to people suffering from kidney failure or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant, breastfeeding mothers, children.

For preventive purposes, allopurinol is prescribed to reduce the level of uric acid. Therapy begins with small doses, which, if necessary, gradually increase. The maximum daily amount of the drug is 900 mg. To monitor the effectiveness of treatment, it is always advisable to take blood tests at the time of taking Allopurinol.

Injections from gout

Some patients are best helped by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Colchicine, Indomethacin, Naproxen - in the form of injections, but there are those who do not use such a cure for gout. These patients are discharged corticosteroids in injections - Triamcinolone, Prednisone. The drugs are administered intramuscularly, quickly relieve symptoms and are considered very effective.

When an abnormally high level of uric acid, injections are also prescribed. To combat the problem, as a rule, choose:

Physiotherapy for gout

Physiotherapeutic procedures for gout are conducted and very often. The most common types of treatment are:

Good results are shown and therapeutic exercise with massage. And the latter can be performed even independently. All you need is to easily massage the area around the inflammation, and then gradually move to the joint itself. Only it is not necessary to carry out such procedure at exacerbations. Help with disease and applications with Dimexidum. The drug effectively anesthetizes.

Popularity is gaining treatment for gout with a laser. It promotes the improvement of metabolism and microcirculation of the joint tissues. Optimum laser power should not be more than 20 mW. Thanks to such therapy, there is relief, and patients can afford to reduce the dose of medications used, thereby reducing the burden on the body. Another advantage of the method is a stable and long period of remission.

Gout - treatment with folk remedies at home

In alternative medicine, too, there are many methods that help cope with attacks of "disease of kings". Treatment of gout with folk remedies involves the preparation of trays, infusions, compresses, decoctions, lotions. If you regularly use alternative recipes, the period of remission can be significantly extended. The main thing is to choose the most suitable means for yourself.

Treatment of gout with baking soda

This substance is able to regulate the alkaline and acid balance in urine, bile, blood, gastric juice. Treatment of gout with soda is effective, because the product helps to reduce the concentration of urate sodium in the blood. Against this background, the patient's condition improves noticeably, and the symptoms of the disease become less pronounced. There is, however, one "but" - really effective soda, only if it is used at the initial stages of the development of the disease.

Sodium bicarbonate can be taken orally and applied externally. Warm soda baths - 3 teaspoons and 9 drops of iodine per 3 liters of water - act as a good painkiller. It is desirable to repeat the procedure at least twice a day. Soda solution should be taken on an empty stomach three times a day. It is prepared simply - 1/5 teaspoon of sodium hydrogencarbonate is dissolved in a glass of water.

Treatment of gout with apple cider vinegar

The substance is used for various diseases, and gout treatment at home with apple cider vinegar also suggests. This remedy helps to improve metabolic processes, burn excess fats, normalize digestion, eliminate pain, improve the elasticity of the cartilage and restore the motor function of the joints. With gout, apple cider vinegar is drunk. It is recommended to start with small doses - a mixture of 2 teaspoons per glass of water. You need to drink this medicine while eating until the condition improves.

Treatment of gout with foil

This is probably one of the most unusual, but from no less effective ways of therapy. In case of gout disease treatment with folk remedies involves the use of sheets of aluminum foil. The latter simply need to apply a shiny side to the aching joint or feet. The duration of one treatment session is about 40 minutes. Follow the procedure every day until the symptoms of the ailment disappear. As a rule, relief comes on 10 - 12 days.

Treatment of gout with leeches

Hirudotherapy helps to purify the blood of toxins. Leeches absorb harmful uric acid. It is allowed in the diagnosis of gout treatment at home - on the legs, several ringworms are attached. Discomfort such therapy does not deliver. All that the patient feels is a slight tingling. In an hour, one leech can suck 5 milliliters of blood. Almost as much blood is released after it disappears. Bleeding from the wound can not stop until a day.

Nutrition for gout

Adherence to diet is very important in this disease. Diet for gout and increased uric acid suggests 4 meals a day. Overeating or starving patients is strictly prohibited - because of this, an attack can begin. It is necessary to fight overweight, but you can not lose weight sharply. Prohibited foods with gout:

To prevent relapse of the disease, it is advisable to adhere to a vegetarian diet - to consume more vegetable and milk soups, fruit compotes, fermented milk products. Useful mineral water for gout, green tea, fresh fruit. The diet also allows black and white bread, vegetable oil (olive or linseed), boiled fish and meat. Vegetables for gout are preferably steamed. Periodically, you should organize unloading days.