Cone in the vagina

Sometimes it happens that a woman can accidentally find in her intimate place (inside or near the vagina) some kind of formation resembling a lump that can be accompanied by painful sensations or be completely painless.

A natural reaction of a woman in this situation is fear and panic. In order not to torment yourself with vain doubts and feelings, a woman should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible to make a diagnosis. This will help her to maintain her physical and psychological health.

The causes of cones in the vagina

A cone at the entrance or on the wall of the vagina can be a manifestation of a disease such as bartholinitis , which is associated with inflammation of the Bartholin gland located at the beginning of the vagina.

Bartholinitis occurs as a consequence of gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis. The cone near the vagina may not be the only one. When the transition of bartholinite to a chronic form, mild discharges from the glandular gland can occur. Treat inflammation of the Bartholin gland with antibiotics. In some cases, surgery may be required.

The cusp in the vagina can be a boil, a pimple. Also we can talk about paraurethritis, cyst of the vagina , diverticulum of the urethra. The vaginal cyst is usually located on the back of the vagina or in the center, has a size of 1-3 cm and does not bring pain. To the touch of the gel is a gelatinous soft consistency.

In the event that the cone is hard, it hurts, it increases in size over time, then this may well be a tumor. She may be accompanied by a general malaise and a slight increase in temperature.

Cones near and inside the vagina may be the result of trauma to this organ, for example, during childbirth. Any damage is accompanied by the allocation of scar tissue, defined by the touch as a pea.

Sometimes a woman can receive a cervix for a lump if it happens, for example, the lowering of the walls of the vagina. The cause of this can be childbirth or the constant wearing of weights. When the vaginal walls are lowered, the outer part of the cervix approaches the entrance of the vagina and it can be touched by hand. To restore the normal condition, a woman can be assigned special gymnastics and physiotherapy.

As can be seen, the range of causes of cones in the vagina is quite wide - from the most harmless to quite serious. Therefore, for any neoplasms in the field of female genital organs, you should always contact a gynecologist to diagnose and start treatment in a timely manner.