Why dream of a bridge over the river?

If we talk about such an exciting topic for many people, how the interpretation of dreams, it should be noted that different dream books and interpret them in different ways. What an interpretation to believe - everyone decides for himself. And in this article - briefly about what the bridge over the river dreams about.

Why dream of a river and a bridge?

The bridge in the dreams of a person symbolizes quick changes in life, as well as support in affairs. It is noticed that dreams about a river and a bridge are often dreamed of people who are in a difficult life situation. If we consider the interpretation of sleep as the meaning of what the bridge over the river dreams about, it is worth knowing that most likely the subconscious of a person simply shows him that the situation that has developed in his life has an outlet. In addition, such a dream can be a harbinger of material loss or loss.

Why dream of crossing the bridge across the river?

The crossing of the bridge across the river can mean the outcome of the case. About how successful he will be, tell the transition. If a person dreams that he crosses the bridge and in the end everything ends safely, then all his undertakings will have a favorable outcome. If, during the transition, the bridge breaks down or collapses, the dreamer expects serious obstacles on the way to the goal . A complete collapse of hope is also possible. Unexpected bridge breakage can warn a person of imminent danger. For a girl to fall from the bridge into the water means a quick widowhood. However, those who have seen such a dream should not be afraid of loneliness. He also reports that seeing him will soon become a bride again.

It is worth paying attention to the river under the bridge and to the feelings that your contemplation causes. Not all have such a picture of fear. For many, the movement of water means peace and harmony. Therefore, if during a dream a person, regardless of his experiences, does not feel a sense of alarm, then he should not be afraid of the future, even if the bridge under him collapsed and he fell into the water.