52 stunning facts about the eyes

What you learn will not only impress you, but will forever change your attitude towards this amazing body.

The most expressive part of the human body is the eyes. They can tell a lot about a person - his emotional and emotional state, health, etc. By the way, for the animal world, the eyes are no less significant part of the body than for us. We picked up for you 52 interesting facts about the eyes.

1. We see the world around not by eyes, but by the brain.

In fact, the eyes just gather information, update all the changing details and transfer it all to the brain. And he already "sees" the full picture. And sometimes the blurred image is caused not by poor vision, but by problems in the visual area of ​​the brain.

2. The cornea of ​​the human and shark eyes are very similar.

That is why the latter are very in demand in ophthalmology. They are used as implants.

3. Humans and dogs are the only beings on the planet who use their eyes when communicating.

Eye contact increases the significance of what has been said. Also, the view can easily determine the attitude of the speaker to whom this speech is addressed. By the way, dogs only communicate with people "visually."

4. It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

There are at least 2 hypotheses explaining this phenomenon. According to the first automatic eye closure, the body protects its eyes from all sorts of bacteria and germs that fly off during sneezing. The second hypothesis connects this phenomenon with the reflexes of the organism. When sneezing, the muscles of the face and nose are contracted, because the eyes automatically close.

5. The pupils of the couple in love, looking at each other, are widened.

At this point in the body there is a surge of dopamine hormones (a sense of pleasure) and oxytocin (a sense of attachment). As a result, special signals are sent to the brain, and the pupils are enlarged by 45%.

6. Children are born far-sighted.

Most of the newborns have moderate hyperopia (about 3 diopters). By the 3rd year, the visual system of crumbs is improved, and the farsightedness passes into a weak degree. And after and at all this problem disappears.

7. Eye color is associated with geographical inheritance.

Most often blue-eyed people are found in the northern regions. For example, in Estonia, 99% of the indigenous population has blue eyes. Brown-eyed people mostly live in those areas where the climate is moderate. But in the equator area there are people with black eyes.

8. Each eye consists of 107 million photosensitive cells.

At the same time, 7 million cells are responsible for recognizing color gamut. And the rest are needed for recognizing white and black colors. As a result, it turns out that less than 10% of photosensitive receptors are responsible for the perception of a color image.

9. The human eye perceives only 3 spectra (blue, red and green).

The remaining 4 colors that we see (orange, yellow, blue and purple) are the derivatives of 3 primary colors. In addition, the eye is able to distinguish about 100 thousand shades, among which 500 tones of gray.

10. Every 12th man is colorblind.

In women, this problem occurs 40 times less often. At the same time, according to statistics, most often color blindness is registered in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. But among the Brazilian Indians and the population of wasps. Fiji this ailment does not exist.

11. In 2% of women there is a genetic mutation - the presence of an additional cone in the retina of the eye.

Due to this deviation from the norm, women can distinguish about 100 million shades.

12. Some people have different eyes.

This phenomenon is called heterochromy. It occurs in 1 person out of 100.

13. Brown eyes are actually blue.

In the iris, there is a lot of melanin - it absorbs high-frequency and low-frequency light. When light is reflected and brown color appears. By the way, there is even a laser technique that allows you to remove the pigment and brown eyes to make it blue. Only this process is irreversible - it will be impossible to return the brown color to the eyes.

14. The size of the eyes is the same for all people.

Regardless of the weight of a person and the individual characteristics of the structure of his body, eyeballs in all adults have the same parameters. With an eyeball diameter of 24 mm it weighs 8 g. In neonates, the same diameter of the eyeballs is 18 mm with a weight of 3 g. But only 1/6 of the eyeball is visible.

15. Too narrow clothes impair vision.

Tight outfits worsen blood circulation. This negatively affects the condition of all organs, including the eye.

16. "You will not have time to blink."

The person blinks 14,280 times a day at rest. In a year leaves 5,2 million blinks. One blink lasts 100-150 milliseconds. This is in part a reflex function.

17. Women are 2 times more likely to blink than men.

This is because the nervous system in the fair sex is more impulsive than in men.

18. Some people think that tears are just water, but it is not.

At the heart of each drop of tears are 3 important components. In addition to water, there is still slime and fats. If the proportions of these components are broken, the eyes become dry.

19. During his life, a person sees 24 million images.

And, for 1 second a person is able to focus on 50 objects.

20. Diagnose type II diabetes in the eyes.

Often, people who suffer from this disease, do not realize that they suffer from diabetes. Here is such an insidious disease, which proceeds almost asymptomatically. Diagnosis of the disease can be after eye examination. In this case, small hemorrhages are observed on the posterior wall of the eyeball.

21. In space, astronauts can not cry.

Because of the lack of gravity, tears gather in tiny balls.

22. The most active in the human body are the eye muscles.

The mobility of the eyes is provided by 6 muscles.

23. Iris has 256 unique characteristics.

For comparison: in the fingerprint there are only 40. Therefore, scanning the retina helps to identify an unmistakable person.

24. The lens of the human eye focuses faster than the most advanced camera.

It is enough to conduct a small experiment. Stand in the middle of the room and look around you. Items that you see are at different distances. But the lens can easily change focus - this process occurs without your intervention. A photo lens for "switching" from one to another distance would take seconds.

25. Eyes load our brain more than any other organ.

Every hour a lot of visual information comes into the brain. According to the bandwidth, the channel through which all this information is transmitted can only be compared with the channel of the Internet provider of the megapolis.

26. The squint in the Maya tribe was fashionable.

This violation was considered a sign of beauty. That is why many parents, when they were born a girl with the right eye, artificially developed her strabismus.

27. The biggest eyes of a giant octopus.

The diameter of the eyes of this creature is 40 cm. It is 1/10 of the length of his body.

28. Each cilium "lives" for about 5 months.

Then it drops out and a new one grows in its place.

29. The brain receives an inverted image from the eyes.

In the visual portion of the brain, the information obtained is analyzed and visualized. As a result, we get the "right" picture.

30. The eyes of the bees are equipped with hairs.

Such "devices" allow insects to determine the direction of wind movement and the flight.

31. During the depression, the world appears in gray tones.

In this period there is a violation of the sensitivity of neurons to contrasting tones. In addition, the level of dopamine decreases. All this leads to distortion of the resulting image.

32. Pirates are not one-eyed!

The bandage, dressed in the eye, is a peculiar way to adapt to life in marine conditions. While one eye got used to the bright sunlight, the second - helped out under the deck, where the pitch blackness reigned.

33. Two-eyed eyes exist.

Two pupils in one eye is not a cosmetic fantasy, but a quite real phenomenon, which in medicine is considered anomalous. Liu Chune, a Chinese minister who lived in the 20th century BC, suffered from this disease.

34. Most bulging eyes.

Kim Goodman from Chicago has become a true record holder for the ability to bulge his eyes. They have her protruding at 1.2 cm. Such a talent for a woman opened after she was hit by a hockey helmet on the head.

35. Diagnosis of schizophrenia can be according to the movement of the eyes.

It turns out that people who suffer from this disease, are not able to smoothly monitor moving objects. In addition, it is difficult for them to concentrate their attention on individual subjects.

36. After rubbing the eyes under the eyelids, there are flashes of light.

It is nothing but phosphene. This phenomenon quickly passes and does not require treatment.

37. The ideal duration of the first eye contact with a stranger is 4 seconds.

This time is enough to create a first impression and remember some details, for example, the color of the eyes of a person.

38. In case of too bright sunlight or terrible cold, the color of the eyes may change slightly.

This phenomenon in medicine was called "chameleon".

39. The eye of an adult whale weighs about 1 kg.

However, despite such impressive parameters of the organs of sight, most of the whales do not see anything ahead of themselves.

40. According to the location of the eyes, it is possible to distinguish a beast from a vegetarian from a predator.

The first eye is placed on either side of the head: this is to see the danger in time. The predatory animal has eyes in the front of the head: thanks to this, it easily tracks the victim.

41. With age, almost every person needs glasses for reading.

This statement is based on the fact that over time the ocular lens loses its ability to focus on nearby objects. Moreover, this is observed in 99% of people in the period between 45 and 50 years.

42. Red eyes.

This unusual color is found only in albinos. Since there is no melanin in the iris, it is absolutely transparent. But because of the blood vessels in the eyeball, the iris looks red.

43. Purple eye color.

The most unusual, perhaps, is the purple eye color. If taken from the point of view of genetics, then such a color is a reflection of blue or blue. It has been scientifically proven that people with violet eyes live in high-altitude areas of North Kashmir.

44. The Big Dipper will help to check vision.

It is necessary to look at this constellation at night. If, when looking at the Big Dipper near the middle star of the bucket you will see a small asterisk, then you have everything in order with your eyesight.

45. The crying newborn has no tears.

This is quite normal phenomenon. After the appearance of crumbs, tear glands begin to work not immediately. The first tears can appear only to the 6th week of the baby's life.

46. ​​Women cry almost 7 times more often than men.

According to recent estimates, on average, a woman's representative cries 47 times a year, and a man - 7 times.

47. Quick reading helps to save your eyes.

With rapid reading, the eyes get tired less. And besides, as doctors say, speedy processing of information brings additional benefit to the eyes.

48. Almost all have a cataract by the age of 70-80.

This is an age-related change in the body. Its development is similar to the appearance of gray hair.

49. Finally, the color of the eyes is fixed to 10 years.

All neonatal eyes are gray-blue in color. And this despite the fact that parents can have dark eyes.

50. In Ancient Egypt, make-up of eyes was done not only by women, but also by men.

The applied paint was a mixture of copper and lead. It was believed that such a make-up not only serves as an ornament, but also protects from the scorching sun.

51. Yellow eye color is a sign of kidney disease.

The yellow color of the eyes is formed due to the presence of a lipochrome pigment in the iris.

52. Gold is good for the eyes.

Scientists came to the conclusion that the golden color helps restore vision.