Stonehenge revealed the real number of the planets of the solar system!

The mysterious stone complex Stonehenge was the first real proof that we are not alone in the universe!

A rare person considers Stonehenge to be just a megalith, a monument of antiquity. Most people would like to solve his riddle, therefore the most insane theories about the origin of the stone complex appear regularly in the press: it is considered to be one of the monuments of ancient civilization, it is considered a portal to other worlds used by the ancient gods to visit the Earth. Scientific research could put an end to the development of a string of strange hypotheses: it turned out that Stonehenge was an accurate map of the solar system, until a terrible catastrophe took place ...

Interesting facts about Stonehenge, making you think

Stonehenge is located in the county of Wiltshire in the southern part of continental England. The name Stanhengues or Stanhang he received in the early Middle Ages. Residents of these places then assumed that the complex was built by the Druids, since from the Celtic language its name is translated only as "hanging stones". In the middle of the twentieth century it was historically accurate to consider the dates of its construction to the new-stone and bronze centuries.

A few years ago, thanks to the radiocarbon method, it was possible to uncover the true mechanism and the exact date of the creation of this amazing monument of architecture. It turned out that it was built in three stages over 1500 years - individual design details were created by tribes and nationalities of different eras and, possibly, beliefs. In the first phase of construction, the main ditch and ramparts were dug. During the excavations under them, a large number of deer antlers were discovered, which in ancient times were considered to be the most effective way of weakening the power of evil spirits. People who lived in the second phase of the construction filled the moat and built an avenue between the Heelstone and the entrance. They laid out two huge rings of 80 stone blocks with a strange bluish tinge. Participants in the third stage of the construction made a redevelopment of Stonehenge, replacing the blue stones with a collonade and 30 tripits (structures of three stones).

It is not necessary to doubt the results of the research: they have been cross-checked repeatedly. Stones for construction were brought from South Wales, their combined weight is about 1500 tons. In those days, which were created by Stonehenge, there were no technologies capable of moving such heavy blocks. Therefore, there are two main legends of the supernatural occurrence of Stonehenge: the first of them says that the gods created it for people as a tomb of the pagan queen Boadicea and as a portal for travel to Earth. The second theory suggests that the well-known wizard Merlin at the time of Stonehenge's construction proved to the ancient Britons that he is in collusion with the dark forces and is not a charlatan.

The wider the knowledge of man in astronomy and cosmology, the more often people thought that Stonehenge was built as a map of planets or a giant observatory. Scientists of the 18th century widely speculated that it was a British observation post, which allows studying the starry sky and predicting some cosmic phenomena. In 1995, they were supported by the British astronomer Duncan Steele, who put forward the scientific hypothesis that with the help of Stonehenge Britons managed to predict the passage of the Earth through the tail of a comet, without having at the same time modern equipment. The studied characteristics of the stone complex confirmed that its creators were familiar with what is called the duration of the solar year and the orbital cycle of the Moon.

How did Stonehenge talk about the mystery of the 12 planets of the solar system?

In favor of the fact that the fame of the exposer of the real history of antiquities will soon follow the radiocarbon methodology, not only does the discovery of the step-by-step construction of Stonehenge. The advantage of this research method is the possibility of computer simulation of the original kind of history object destroyed by time, people or natural phenomena. In 2014, in England, there was an unprecedented drought in these places, during which the circles on the ground brightened in place of the former location of the lost stones of Stonehenge. Massive stone blocks so pressed the soil that the first dehydration of the upper layer of soil led to the discovery of their tracks.

Immediately after that, a computer reconstruction of Stonehenge was created as it was originally conceived. It turned out that in addition to the lunar and solar calendar, he exactly repeated the model of the solar system in a cross-section. Without the slightest hesitation, scientists deciphered the mystery of the Earth's "neighbor" planets, which were not 9 but 12! It became clear that two of them were located behind the orbit of Pluto, and the third was between Mars and Jupiter. In its place, modern scientists observe an asteroid belt and a nebula, which it is not possible to investigate. It is clear only that the asteroids are fragments of the planet Phaethon. This discovery, like the original structure of Stonehenge, fully proves the theory that the solar system had previously consisted of 12 planets.

The International Astronomical Union has already submitted a proposal on the official confirmation of the 12-planetary solar system. Until now, it is not for sure what happened to Phaethon and the other two disappearing planets. Studies have shown that Phaethon experienced an artificially modeled explosion on the surface of the soil. Could extraterrestrial civilizations, when they "moved" to another planet, cover up the traces of their own technologies so that humanity would not learn their secrets? The question remains open ...