Antiseptic solution

Having a good antimicrobial effect, antiseptic solutions have long been used not only in medical institutions, but also as a necessary preparation in the home medicine cabinet. They are mainly used for local external disinfection of surfaces and wounds. Also in some cases, pharmaceutical antiseptic solutions act as an additional agent in the treatment of purulent inflammation.

Antiseptic solutions for wound treatment

For the purification of fresh and treatment of inflamed wounds, most often such solutions are used:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 3%. Can be used on wounds and mucous surfaces. It is not recommended for treatment of healing and scar tissue.
  2. A solution of furacilin. Sold in pharmacies, both in finished form, and in the form of tablets for self-preparation of the solution. It can also be used to treat mucous surfaces by washing.
  3. Alcohol solution from 40% to 70%. Used to treat the surface around open wounds. Not suitable for mucosal treatment.
  4. Chlorhexidine . When it is used, not only microbes are destroyed, but also some bacteria, fungi, viruses.
  5. A solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). The powder is diluted in boiled water or saline solution. Suitable for treatment of purulent and fresh wounds.
  6. A solution of iodine and zelenka. With their help, the edges around the skin are treated, on an open wound these substances can provoke a burn.
  7. Fukorcin. The least used antiseptic solution for external use. Suitable for treating the edges and tissues around the wounds on the skin and mucous surfaces.

Antiseptic solutions for the oral cavity

For antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity by solutions in dental clinics and as a further preventive agent, the following are used:

  1. The Korsodil. A drug with a chlorhexidine content.
  2. Elyudril. In addition to chlorhexidine, it contains a combination of chlorobutanol, docusate sodium and chloroform.
  3. This is 0.5%. Effective for infection with staphylo- and streptococci.
  4. Hexoral. This solution, in addition to antiseptic properties, has an enveloping and deodorizing effect. Helps in the fight against fungal infection.
  5. Dimexide. Has antiallergic and antiviral activity.
  6. Bicarmint. The tablets of the drug are diluted in water independently.

Eye solutions

Antiseptic solutions are included in most drops for the eyes , helping to cope with inflammation. The most famous:

  1. Okomistin. Means based on miramistine, suppressing the multiplication of bacteria;
  2. Vitabakt. Suitable for use after ophthalmic operations, eye injuries, as a medicine for various types of conjunctivitis.

In addition, antiseptic solutions are available in the composition of liquids for the care of lenses and in the drops "artificial tear".