Tuberculosis of the bladder

Tumors of the bladder are rare diseases. Among all tumoral formations, localization in the bladder occurs in only 6% of cases. It is sad that a significant part of them is characterized by a malignant course, although there are exceptions.

Bladder tumor - symptoms

Tumor bladder in women is 4 times less likely than in men. This is because the male urinary system is more complex and more susceptible to stagnation. But women often suffer from cystitis and all kinds of sexual inflammation, and this is one of the factors that provokes the growth of tumors.

The initial stage of the appearance of a neoplasm in the bladder can not give any symptoms. Periodically, blood may appear during urination , which not everyone will notice and pay attention.

Over time, signs of a tumor of the bladder are increasing. There are frequent desires, pain in the groin area and in the lower abdomen. If the tumor of the bladder is malignant, signs of cancer intoxication of the body appear: lack of appetite, weakness, weight loss.

Bladder Tumor - Diagnosis and Treatment

Diagnosis of neoplasms in the bladder is difficult due to a blurred clinical picture. The search for a tumor usually begins when the patient already has complaints.

The urologist prescribes a urine test and a detailed study of her sediment. The best method of diagnosis is cystoscopy - an injection into the cavity of the endoscope to examine the bladder from the inside. During the procedure, the doctor takes a piece of tissue for analysis.

In addition, ultrasound and methods such as CT and MRI are used.

When a tumor is detected in the bladder, in most cases it is removed by transurethral electroresection. If the formation is cancerous, it is possible to excise together with the bladder, followed by treatment with powerful chemotherapy courses.

The operation is resorted to even with a benign tumor of the bladder. Such entities as papillomas and polyps under the influence of oncogenic factors tend to degenerate into cancerous tumors, so do not risk your life and leave the growths inside the body.

To prevent such tumors, one should adhere to such recommendations: