Colpit - Causes

To our great regret, in our modern society gynecologists occupy the first place of honor in their demand. And this is not because women began to consciously go to the reception for the purpose of prevention. And because of the increased number of diseases of the female reproductive system. One of their huge list of ailments is colpitis. Almost every second of the fair sex experienced inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. However, colpitis is already the result of the problem, it is more important to determine the cause. Since depending on the cause of colpitis, the necessary treatment is prescribed.

Colpitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Colpitis is characterized by symptoms that can not be ignored:

Such manifestations not only cause a woman inconvenience, but also pose a serious threat to women's health. Untreated colpitis can cause spread of infection to the upper genitalia, as well as cause impaired fertility. Therefore, to treat colpitis must be necessary and quickly, until it has passed into a chronic form.

The first step on the road to recovery is to determine the cause of colpitis. Already, depending on the cause, a course of treatment with the drugs most effective for this or that colpitis is prescribed. The most common causes of colpitis in women are:

Inflammation, provoked by infection (in most cases, nevertheless, the cause of colpitis in women is pathogens) is classified into specific and non-specific. The cause of bacterial colpitis is a disease that is transmitted during sexual intercourse, when using other people's towels and other personal care products. Gonococci, Trichomonas, pale treponema, chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and some other infections cause a purulent colpitis.

The causative agents of bacterial colpitis of nonspecific character can be bacteria (streptococci, staphylococcus, E. coli ), which in an insignificant amount are always present in the female body. Under adverse conditions (stress, taking antibiotics, etc.), the balance in the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, and inflammation occurs.

Causes of nonspecific colpitis

Separately examined colpitis in women, arising from non-infectious genesis. Thus, allergic colpitis is the result of the effect of local contraception, synthetic underwear, hygiene products.

The cause of the synovial colpitis is the age-related changes in the body. It occurs in women during the postmenopausal period or after removal of the ovaries. As a result of hormonal disorders, dryness and atrophy of the vagina develops - the main cause of the senile colpitis.

Depending on the form of the course, colpitis is divided into acute and chronic. The causes of acute and chronic colpitis are generally the same. The difference lies in the intensity of symptomatology and the complexity of treatment. The acute form is always actively manifested by characteristic symptoms and gives a lot of inconvenience. If the colpitis in acute form can not be cured completely, it can pass into a chronic disease, then the symptomatology is not expressed so much, but to treat this inflammation is much more difficult.