Glands - inflammation

How to distinguish inflammation of the glands, the symptoms of which can be very similar to other diseases of the throat? First of all, it is necessary to exclude vitally dangerous diseases, which are manifested by defeats of glands. For example, diphtheria, which is characterized by a gray bloom on the lateral and palatine tonsils, a strong swelling of the throat.

Inflammation of the glands - symptoms

The main symptoms of inflammation of the glands are:

In addition to the main symptoms, there are secondary signs of inflammation of the glands, among which:

Secondary symptoms do not always appear. It all depends on the type of infection that provoked inflammation in the glands.

How to treat inflammation of the glands?

There are at least a dozen diseases accompanied by inflammation of the glands. The causes of inflammation of the glands can also be mechanical: a burn of the throat, a strong tension (after a long and loud singing or speech). But mostly - it's viral or bacterial infections, sometimes - fungal. Depending on the origin of the infection and the development of inflammation, the question of how to cure inflammation of the glands may have several solutions that are radically different from each other. It makes no sense to treat viral inflammation with antibiotics. Antiviral drugs, frequent warm drinking and ventilation will relieve viral infection very quickly.

But antibiotics for inflammation of glands, most likely, will have to be taken if a bacterial infection develops. Inflammation of the glands caused by bacteria can sometimes be diagnosed on first examination. White coating or pustular foci, as well as a steadily elevated temperature, which lasts from three to five days, indicate the need to apply antibacterial therapy. In most cases, the bacterium that affects the tonsils is streptococcus. It is difficult to properly prescribe the type of antibiotic, as streptococcus can have a high degree of resistance to drugs even of the last generation. Bacterial analysis (swab from the throat) will give full information about which of the antibiotics will be effective in each specific case.

But what to do with inflammation of the glands, if neither antibiotics nor antiviral drugs help? Sometimes bacterial infections can be confused with fungal lesions of the glands. They are distinguished by a white cheese-like coating, which is present, as a rule, in the entire oral cavity. Such infections are determined laboratory. The most common fungal disease affecting the tonsils is thrush. It is treated by external treatment of the affected areas of the glands and oral cavity with an antifungal solution.

Inflammation of glands - treatment with folk remedies

In addition to the therapy prescribed by a doctor for the treatment of inflamed glands, it is not superfluous to seek help from folk remedies that can significantly accelerate and facilitate recovery. First of all - it's a warm (by no means hot!) Drink. It is better if it is teas that increase the immunity or decoctions of herbs of anti-inflammatory action:

Inflamed glands, affected by plaque or purulent foci, can be rinsed with antiseptic means. Excellent rinse solution: a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of baking soda dissolve in a glass of water and add 10 drops of iodine.

Rinse hold no later than half an hour before meals several times a day. Also a good medicine for inflammation of the glands is half the usual lemon, eaten together with the skin without sugar. After such a "dessert" with food, you also need to wait 30 minutes.