Is pneumonia contagious?

I wonder if inflammation of the lungs can be dangerous for others? Before deciding whether pneumonia is contagious, it is worthwhile to understand the subtleties of the clinical picture of the disease.

Causes of pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs leads to infection with pathogenic microorganisms. Among them:

It would seem that the infectious nature of the disease itself answers the question. Nevertheless, it is contagious whether pneumonia for others largely depends on the type of pathogen, as well as the state of immunity of a person in contact with the patient.

Is viral pneumonia viable?

Most often, pathology is a complication of the catarrhal disease caused by viruses. In this case, the risk of infection is minimal. Infection is transmitted by the usual respiratory illness by airborne droplets. Therefore, before entering the lungs, the pathogen has to "master" the nasal passages, larynx, trachea and bronchial tree.

The gradual procession of pathogenic microorganisms in the respiratory system is accompanied by a number of clinical symptoms:

All these signs allow you to identify the infection and conduct treatment before the microorganisms get to the lungs.

There are forms of pneumonia that can not be dangerous to others. For example, pneumocystis pneumonia can not be infected, since pathology is caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii. This fungus is present in the lungs of any person and begins to multiply rapidly only with a decrease in immune defense.

What forms of pneumonia are contagious?

The most dangerous for others include the following forms of pneumonia:

The basal pneumonia can be infected, since the infectious process is localized in the lower lobe of the organ. Because of this, the symptoms of the disease resemble common ARVI and treatment often does not have a positive effect. If a person with a weakened immune system is in contact with the patient, it is likely that pneumococcal infection occurs. The risk increases if the pathology is not detected in a timely manner.

Congestive pneumonia is a secondary pathology and develops as a result of blood stagnation in the bronchi or lungs.

The most contagious two-sided pneumonia of the focal type. In this case, the pathology may not give characteristic for inflammation of the lungs symptoms.

The risk of contracting atypical pneumonia caused by infection is, on the contrary, minimal. Most often, infection with pathogenic microorganisms leads to catarrhal diseases.

Chronic pneumonia, like other infectious diseases, is contagious during the period of exacerbation. During remission, the disease is not dangerous to others.

Cavernous form is a subspecies of tuberculosis. The disease is characterized by rapid flow, severe complications and a high risk of infection.

The bronchial type can be contagious with weakened immunity.

Serious danger is hospital pneumonia. The disease is caused by herpes, streptococcus and staphylococcus, E. coli, which are adapted to most medications. Already from the name of the disease it is clear that getting infected pathology is possible within the walls of a medical institution. The hospital personnel are most often exposed to microorganism attacks, it can also become a carrier of pathogens. Since the pathogenic microflora is resistant to most antibiotics and other pharmacological preparations, the percentage of deaths is high.

As a rule, pneumonia is contagious and after the disappearance of symptoms. The causative agents spread to a decent area, settle on furniture. Therefore, infection can occur by the household way. To avoid problems, you should often clean the patient's room, ventilate the room, and strengthen their immunity.