Otomycosis - symptoms, treatment

For various reasons, inflammatory processes can occur in the auditory canal, caused by the reproduction of mold or candida fungi. This disease is called otomycosis - the symptoms and treatment of the pathology are almost similar to the easy stages of otitis with the only difference being that you have to use antifungal drugs. Because of this, the disease is rarely correctly diagnosed, and in many cases the therapy begins already at a neglected stage.

Symptoms of Otomycosis

The onset of the disease is characterized by a slight but constant itching, which causes the patient to comb the skin and, thereby, spread the spores of fungi to healthy skin. Over time, there are signs of otomycosis:

Treatment of Otomycosis

The therapy of the pathology in question is long and complex, since the disease tends to chronize the process and relapse.

First, in the specialist's office, a thorough mechanical cleaning of the ear from fungi and products of their vital activity is carried out. The residues are washed off with a warm solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). After this procedure, local medications are prescribed to treat otomycosis in the form of ointments:

The listed specific antimycotic agents are selected taking into account the type of pathogen, as various fungi are sensitive to a certain kind of active substances.

After a 3-4-day laying of the ointment (per day), the ear is cleaned independently by washing with a warm solution of boric acid or hydrogen peroxide. Then 5 drops of salicylic acid alcohol solution are injected into the auditory passage (from 2 to 4%).

Frequent relapses suggest systemic therapy methods - taking Nizoral , Nystatin tablets for 2 weeks. You can repeat the course in 7 days.

Treatment of otomycosis with folk remedies

With non-traditional medicine, you need to be more careful and apply such medications only with the permission of the doctor.


  1. Mix in equal parts crushed garlic and olive oil.
  2. Heat the mixture for 2 hours at a very low heat.
  3. Lubricate the affected surface with this mixture once a day for 10 days.


  1. Mix vinegar, alcohol (72%), warm pure water and hydrogen peroxide (3%) in equal amounts.
  2. To drip 3 drops in the ear, wait 60 seconds.
  3. Remove the liquid with a cotton swab.
  4. Repeat 3 times a day for 10 consecutive days.