The battle of psychics - Marilyn Carro - predictions and advice of the Estonian clairvoyant

One of the most famous participants of the television show "The Battle of Psychics" is Marilyn Carro. The spectacular witch took part in the 15th, 16th and 17th seasons and always took the second place. With the success of all the tests, Estonia was missing a few percent to the coveted prize.

How did Marilyn Carro become a psychic?

What is the magic, the future participant of the famous show, found out in early childhood thanks to her aunt who earned her living by guessing on the cards . When Marilyn was six years old, she was struck by lightning, and after that her gift was revealed to the fullest. She began to predict the future, see the dead and so on. A well-known psychic, Marilyn Carro, found the magical book of her great-grandmother, and her spirit appeared to her, saying that she must take the power of her own kind and become a witch.

How to get to Marilyn Carro?

Watching the transfer of "Battle of Psychics", a huge number of people caught fire with the desire to personally communicate with the witch in order to get advice from her in solving problems. Marilyn takes this into account and from time to time holds personal sessions. Information on how to contact Marilyn Kerro, can be found on her website and pages on social networks. In addition, she periodically conducts mass seminars, which are devoted to important topics, for example, love, money and so on. An entry to Marilyn Carro is held by her manager. Recently, the witch announced the opening of the store proper.

Marilyn Carro's advice

A huge number of people try to find answers to questions thanks to the help of magicians and witches. After the Battle of Psychics, Marilyn Kerro became popular, and she was invited to various interviews, where she was asked the most common questions. More often, Estonian people are asked how to find their love, how to build a personal life and attract good luck . Witch Marilyn Carro does not keep secrets and easily shares his knowledge to help others.

Tips for good luck Marilyn Carro

If a person wants to arrange fortune, then it is possible to hold a ritual with buttons, which since ancient times are considered talismans and amulets. Estonians Marilyn Carro recommends that everyone use them in order to attract the desired.

  1. The ritual is very simple, it is necessary to sew on the inside of clothing, which is worn frequently, in the early morning, with a small button of red color. The witch recommends using outerwear.
  2. When sewing, you should read the plot. The ready talisman will not only attract luck, but will also be a good guard against spoiling and other negativity.
  3. If the button is torn off, then you need to change it.

"I am sewing luck to myself, firmly and firmly. While this button is with me, no troubles are not terrible for me. "

Marilyn Carro's advice about love

A well-known Estonian witch has revealed to her fans several magical secrets about how to bring true love into her life. Marilyn Carro's advice how to find love is based on opening your heart for real feelings. For this purpose, you can conduct a simple ritual.

  1. Getting to work is recommended after sunset and best of all on Friday.
  2. From the room it is necessary to remove everything that can distract and interfere with the rite.
  3. Prepare a pink candle that embodies love and heart. Light it and put it in front of you.
  4. Looking at the flame, visualize your happy life filled with love.
  5. For some time, concentrate on your desires as much as possible and the world can change abruptly the next morning.
  6. If nothing happened, then the ritual can be performed daily until the result is obtained.

Tips from Marilyn Carro - how to attract a man?

Many girls have feelings for a particular person, but they are afraid to take a responsible step and confess. Clairvoyant Marilyn Carro gives several tips on how to just fix the situation.

  1. The witch recommends constantly repeating a whisper that will tune to a positive wave, for example, "I'm sure he will fall in love, it can not be different". Thanks to this, you can create around yourself a powerful aura.
  2. Being near to the beloved, it is recommended to touch his hand, saying: "only with me, forever, forever." This will allow sharing your own love energy with another person.
  3. After the "Battle of Psychics" Marilyn Carro became famous, so her advice is very in demand. The witch advises, if possible, to take some thing or hair of the man he likes and from time to time keep it in his hands, thinking about his desire and sating it with his energy.

Marilyn Carro's advice - how to return a loved one?

If there is a separation, but the feelings have not cooled down, and you want to return your lover, then you can conduct a simple ritual using a semi- or precious stone. When the "Battle of Psychics" was held, Marilyn Carro received many questions about how to choose the right talisman, and so it is recommended that you focus on your sign of the Zodiac or on your own feelings when you contact.

  1. The Estonian witch Marilyn Carro advises reading the plot on a stone on a full moon or new moon, when the power of the moon is strengthened.
  2. The decoration should be put in a bowl of water, standing in a circle of seven red candles.
  3. Put your left hand in the water and whisper a conspiracy.
  4. Decoration should stay in the water all night, and in the morning cover it with a cloth of red color.
  5. Disappeared candles, too, do not clean until the morning.
  6. It is recommended to constantly carry around the jewelry with a stone that will attract a loved one.

"In the stone, my strength and beauty, my love and luck. May the servant of God (the name of man) come to me and grant me happiness. Everything that has been conceived will come true, but it is said. Amen"

Marilyn Carro - how to attract money?

Another popular topic that people turn to witches is finance. Help Marilyn Carro can get everyone interested by learning simple tricks.

  1. Estonians say that from their vocabulary, it is necessary to exclude words that repel monetary energy, for example, "I have no money." To become a rich person, it is important to love and respect money.
  2. In the "Battle of Psychics," Marilyn Kerro often spoke of the power of talismans and so you can use special amulets to attract financial flow. The chosen subject is recommended to be saturated with luck, which can be stolen from a successful person. To do this, you need to make a corresponding acquaintance and during the conversation rub in the hands of the amulet.
  3. Speaking about Marilyn Carro, it's worth mentioning a few tricks to increase material prosperity: keep money in one place, keep order in your wallet and do not give money from hand to hand, so as not to lose your luck.

Predictions by Marilyn Carro

Many often ask Estonk to talk about the future, so she makes a forecast every year. The presented variant concerns 2017.

  1. January - the month will be calm in all aspects.
  2. February - business related to personal life will be successful.
  3. March - Marilyn Carro predicted that this month is perfect for beginning active activities, it's time to translate your plans into reality.
  4. April - there is a growth in business, but in the family there may be problems.
  5. May is the ideal time for traveling and working with the land.
  6. June - the month is ideal for financial investments and long trips.
  7. July is a time to bear fruit for the work done.
  8. August is a quiet month, suitable for training and creativity.
  9. September is a month of health and beauty.
  10. October - devote time to visits to relatives and intellectual development .
  11. November - the time is right for self-discovery and rest.
  12. December - it's time to spend money, do repairs and communicate with distant relatives.

Marilyn Carro - unusual facts

There is information that is not common, so some facts may surprise. Few people know that for more than 10 years, Estonia has been a vegetarian, since it believes that animal food pollutes its energy. For those who are interested, the whole truth about Marilyn Carro is to offer her one interesting fact - the witch knows her own date of death and this will happen in April 2071. Related to Marilyn Curro, interesting facts apply to her tattoos. It is not known how many drawings were painted on her body, but some of the tattoos were seen by many.

  1. The word "Michael" is written on her wrist. It is rumored that this is the name of her close friend who passed away.
  2. Behind the neck, under the hair, a word is written, which in translation means "to believe." Traditionally in such places are placed amulets.
  3. On the hands of the Witch Phoenix is ​​depicted - a mystic bird that is reborn from the ashes.
  4. On the belly of Estonka there is a protective pattern, which includes runes.
  5. Under the breast of Kerro there is an inscription, which in translation means "true love".

Exposing Marilyn Carro

As soon as the spectacular witch appeared on TV screens, reports began to pop up that Marilyn was a liar. You can find different negative reviews of people who allegedly were at her reception and made sure that she had no gift. Believe that Marilyn Kerro is a charlatan case for everyone, as one can be sure of this only after actually meeting with a psychic, and not believing in different rumors.