Rice with vegetables in the multivark

Agree that simply boil rice for dinner is very simple and trivial. It is much more interesting to cook rice with vegetables in the multivark for garnish. And vegetables can be used absolutely any. By the way, rice cooked in this way with vegetables turns out not only tasty, but also useful. After all, this grain contains a lot of fiber, and thanks to the addition of vegetables you can get a big "charge of energy." How to cook rice with vegetables in a multivariate? Now find out.

Rice with frozen vegetables

A dietary and healthy garnish of frozen vegetables and rice will appeal not only to those who want to lose weight, but also to everyone who simply likes to eat deliciously. This garnish is well combined with fish, chicken and meat. In simple words, a side dish of rice with frozen vegetables is a delicious, balanced and satisfying dish.



Rice boil until cooked in slightly salted water, exceeding the volume of rice exactly 2 times, in the "Rice / Buckwheat" mode. Onions are cleaned, cut into small cubes and fried in a multivark in vegetable oil for 3 minutes. Add to it a frozen vegetable mixture, cover with a lid and simmer for about 10 minutes in the "Quenching" mode. Add rice to the vegetables, mix, pepper, season with soy sauce, cook for an average power for 5 more minutes and stewed rice with vegetables can be served to the table.

Rice with vegetables and mushrooms

When we hear the phrase rice with vegetables and mushrooms in the multivarquet, for some reason we immediately imagine something like a mush, similar to pilaf, not with meat, but with mushrooms. However, if this dish is cooked strictly according to this recipe, then you will get a delicious, friable garnish of rice with vegetables. So, let's get started.



First we boil rice in salted water. To do this, we thoroughly rinse it and put it into the bowl of the multivark. Fill with two glasses of water and set the mode "Rice / Buckwheat". Turn on and wait until the rice is cooked. The multivarquet will work until all the water is boiled off, and then it turns off. When the rice is ready, we take it out and start cooking vegetables. To do this, all products except for greenery are cleaned and cut into cubes, put in a bowl multivarka and fry in the "Hot" mode for 10 minutes. When the vegetables are ready, we spread to them the cooked rice, canned mushrooms and gently mix, so that the porridge does not turn out. We put on the multivark program "Warming up" for 5-10 minutes. That's all, friable rice with vegetables and mushrooms in the multivarquet is ready! Before serving, you can decorate the dish with a sprig of parsley.

Rice with vegetables in a hurry



Carrots are cleaned and three on a large grater. Sweet pepper cut in half, cleaned of seeds and cut into strips. Rice thoroughly rinsed in cold water. In a bowl multivarki pour sunflower oil and put all the ingredients, except for greens. Solim and pepper to taste. Fill with boiled water, cover with a lid and put it on the "Rice / Buckwheat" mode. The dish is cooked for about 30-40 minutes, depending on the model of the multivark.