Cat was poisoned - what to do?

Cats are strong enough and strong animals. They have a good immune system, but from accidental poisoning, even they are not insured. They are curious creatures, try to explore everything, taste it. Household chemicals, medicines, bait with poison smell attractive, and very often pets suffer from poisoning. All owners of furry pets should know the symptoms of poisoning and what to take the first action in this case.

What are the symptoms if the cat is poisoned?

A lot depends on what caused the poisoning. Poisons, drugs, household chemicals and other substances differ in their chemical composition. Therefore, the symptoms of poisoning can be slightly different. Consider the most common cases:

  1. If the cat is poisoned by a rat poison containing arsenic, phosphorus, copper , then the animal experiences severe vomiting, seizures, salivation, refusal of food, vomiting. Immediately need to wash the stomach of your pet with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Helps activated charcoal and laxatives, as well as injections of a solution of glucose and preparations with caffeine.
  2. The cat was poisoned by chlorophos, carbofos and other poisons containing organophosphorous substances , than in this case to treat it? Symptoms - salivation, diarrhea , cough, severe agitation, muscle cramps, high blood pressure and paralysis. Your actions - rinse the stomach with a solution of baking soda, give the animal a laxative. Then, to calm him, use sleeping pills and heart medications.
  3. Poisoning with drugs and narcotic drugs. Usually they cause drowsiness, weakness, narrowing of the pupils. Often there is vomiting, the color of the mucous membranes changes. Apply for treatment of activated charcoal and try to enter inside enveloping agents.
  4. The cat poisoned with flea beads. Manufacturers of these drugs take into account the fact that animals can lick them. Therefore, they can not cause the death of your pet. But you also need to take precautions, apply the product along the ridge, apply them in places where the cat can not reach the drops with its tongue. Only mainly toddlers and very weakened animals suffer from poisoning. Rinse the cat with a stomach, give it activated charcoal, drink milk or other liquid. It is worth to bathe the pet immediately, in order to cancel the effect of drops applied to the wool.
  5. The cat was poisoned by bad food. Eating poisonous plants and substandard foods can lead to the appearance of vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heart rate, arrhythmia, and a sharp rise in temperature . If such symptoms appear, immediately rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Moms always try to hide poisonous substances and medicines from the child, but mistresses of cats and dogs often forget about it. It is impossible to foresee everything. But such common cases, when a cat is poisoned by poor quality food or household chemicals, you can always try to warn.