Fuchsia, growing and care at home - simple rules

Rarely, what kind of person does not like fuchsia, cultivation and care at home of a beautiful flower will give you a lot of new knowledge and impressions, will help easily decorate a dwelling, facade or homestead. Absolutely not capricious and hardy the plant will be subdued even to the beginning floriculturist.

Fuchsia flower - description

The cultivation of these flowers with delightful decorative properties man has been engaged in over three centuries. Wild forms of it are everywhere found in the New World, inhabiting the expanses of America, New Zealand and many tropical islands. Cultivated fuchsia at home quickly spread in Europe, now hundreds of varieties and hybrids of this culture are adorned with flowerbeds, dwellings, balconies and terraces in all countries of the world.

Bolivian fuchsia and Magellanic fuchsia are high-growth forms in the form of shrubs with evergreen leaves. These types are used for decorating windows and walls. Fuchsia shiny can fructify edible berries and bloom for an extended period. It adorns the entire summer with its own magical appearance. This decorative view became the ancestor of numerous forms of modern garden and indoor fuchsia.

There is a clustered and upright to half a meter tall fuchsia, growing and grooming at home in these forms is very different. Hybrid plants are famous for their wonderful decorative highlight - the curled flowers of their flowers have a color that can be radically different from the colors of purple, white, red or pink petals.

Classification of fuchsia on the color of petals:

Classification of fuchsia in the form of growth:

Fuchsia landing at home

What is good about fuchsia - growing and care in the home of a flower is not associated with great difficulties. There are many varieties for the garden that can be kept outdoors in the warm period from the beginning of May after passing the threat of frost. On the flower beds, they instantly take root, grow powerful and can bloom for several weeks. Passed by hardening the first small autumn frosts the bushes are excavated and carried out for the winter in the room.

Interesting types of fuchsia for planting and care at home:

  1. Tall Australian fuchsias - Matilda, Walsing, Adalbert Bogner, Ballet Girl, Comet, Gillian Anthea.
  2. Sapphires and Diamonds (varieties with white-blue and white-purple flowers) - Blue Satin, Capri, Ultramarine, Deep Purple, Princess Kaja.
  3. Terry forms - Florentina, Brentwood, Caspar Hauser, Charelke Dop, De Brommel, Sarah Jane. Prized among lovers of the variety of Royal Mosaic, which has double violet petals with pink highlights.
  4. Container hanging fuchsia of ampel type, grown in suspension pots and baskets - Marinka, Southgate, Pink Galore, Swingtime, Dark Eyes, White Galore.
  5. Three-leaved fuchsia - shrub with home care reaches up to half a meter in height, the color of flowers is bright coral.
  6. Winter-resistant varieties of fuchsia for growing and care at home (withstand frost in the middle zone under shelter or under the snow cover) - Bacon, Garden News, Constance.

Fuchsia from seeds at home

This method is used for breeding new varieties, but it is rarely used in home gardening, because fuchsia when grown from seeds may not retain parental qualities. Artificial crossing is done with a brush to transfer the pollen from the paternal plant to the mother flower, removing the anthers on it before the buds begin to bloom. After pollination, it is covered with a tissue of thin material before the appearance of the fetal bud.

Cultivation and maintenance of fuchsia seeds at home is carried out in containers where the nutrient-seasoned soil is poured. Plant seeds in the early spring from March to April, sprinkling them lightly with earth. Suitable peat briquettes, which allow you to not injure the tender roots when transplanting. The temperature is maintained at about 18 ° C in the room. In containers, shoots appear in about three weeks.

Growing fuchsia from the handle

Vegetative reproduction almost always yields successful results, this work is capable even of beginners. In just six months you will have an excellent and beautiful fuchsia, growing and grooming at home with cuttings is the cheapest and easiest way to plant these plants. To work requires the presence of their mother plant or acquired from friends of people a fresh cut-off shoot. The easiest way to cut fuchsia at home is to root in water with pieces of charcoal. The roots of the seedling in good conditions appear on the 10-15 day.

How to propagate fuchsia at home?

Studying the process, how fuchsia reproduces at home is a simple and fascinating occupation. There are several nuances that do not require much scientific knowledge. It will take a suitable shank or leaf on the petiole with a part of the shoot and an axillary bud, a glass, a packet of polyethylene, a bit of sphagnum moss . We offer a small and simple instruction for growing and caring for the fuchsia cutlery.

How to root the escape of fuchsia at home:

  1. Cut the apical shoot with several axils of the leaves (2-3) at an angle of 45 °.
  2. The cut is poured after 10 minutes by a rooting stimulator (Epin, Zircon).
  3. Good results are obtained from sphagnum moss, which is able to retain liquid well.
  4. In the plastic cup, we pour the mixture and immerse the stalk 2-3 cm into it.
  5. On top of the glass covered with a plastic bag, creating an impromptu greenhouse.
  6. We install the container on the windowsill, covering it from the direct sun. The optimum temperature for rooting fuchsia is about 22-25 ° C.
  7. A couple of times a day, the greenhouse is ventilated. Roots are formed at home after two weeks.
  8. A sapling with roots is transplanted into a pot with soil. At first, it is covered with a package, but it is not already tightly tied.
  9. Remove the "greenhouse" after the start of active shoot growth.

Fuchsia - features of cultivation

For fuchsia growing is suitable at a temperature of 18-22 ° C in the warm season, in the winter we reduce the temperature by 3-4 degrees. Fluctuating the climate causes the fall of buds. With a cold snap or strong heat, leaves become smaller, change color, and the risk of fungal infections increases. By the end of autumn fuchsia is preparing for rest, the formation of new buds is suspended, the growth of shoots and leaves slows down.

Soil for fuchsia at home

Elegant and decorative home flower fuchsia - the plant is undemanding, it grows in any fertile soil with a neutral reaction. You can improve the quality of the soil by adding useful components to it. For the cultivation and care of adult fuchsia at home, a mixture of peat, humus, turf soil, compost, leaf land, river clean sand is taken.

Pinching fuchsia at home

Without normal care and the formation of the cuttings, the flowerpot develops arbitrarily, stretches, the flower stems forms little. Some varieties do not themselves branch out in nature, they have to be stimulated artificially. In the question of how to pinch fuchsia at home, there are no difficulties. While doing this necessary operation, the florist removes the growing point, doubling the number of shoots. In winter, this way we help not to stretch the flowerpot. Ampel forms of adult fuchsia at home pinch over 2-3 pairs of leaves, bush - over 3-4 internodes.

How to form fuchsia at home?

It is advisable to transplant an old plant every year and engage in shaping the crown. In March, flower growers are engaged in the removal of shoots, fertilizing bushes. After stimulating procedures, fuchsia awakens, growing and caring according to all the rules of agrotechnology triggers the kidneys to grow even on old lignified parts of the shoot. The bush forms are given time to grow up, shortening the vertex after reaching the required height. Formation of adult fuchsias is completed by early April.

Rules for the formation of fuchsia:

  1. The first time we pinch the fully rooted stem over the third pair of leaves.
  2. Side shoots are shortened at the same time to give fuchsia the required shape.
  3. A compact plant is obtained by prischipke over the 2 nd pair of leaves, the full formation takes up to 3 months.
  4. For flowering prischipku must stop after receiving a strong bush. It should be remembered that the buds are laid from 6 to 12 weeks.

How to transplant fuchsia at home?

The time of transfer of the plant to the new pot comes when the root system is filled with the entire earth coma in the container. If small roots start to appear from the drainage hole, then you should start working. Fuchsia transplantation at home is done in a pot 2-3 cm larger. The ground is not heavily tampered with hands, it suffices an easy tapping. After a while he sits alone, you can sprinkle the earth a little if necessary.

Fuchsia - home care

In the case, how to care for fuchsia in the home, you need to focus on the existing conditions in the apartment. Compact forms, resistant to bright lighting, suitable for window sills. Shadow-tolerant species can be placed in pots inside the room. Ampel varieties well feel themselves on suspended structures, for example - on a table or a special stand. If you do not know the acquired variety, then do for your fuchsia the average conditions, adjusting its formation as it develops and taking into account the strength of growth.

Home flower fuchsia - watering

In the absence of fertilizers, the plant can develop, and without water any body will quickly wither. Studying the problem of how to care for fuchsia at home, watering should be given special attention. Excess moisture leads to decay and disease, but it is advisable to do so that the soil in the pot is completely soaked in liquid. Watering is carried out when the top layer of the soil dries. Blooming fuchsias during the summer in need of this procedure more often. We water the plant in the heat every 3 days or more often.

Fuchsia - top dressing at home

The introduction of fertilizers is beneficial in the period of growth - from April to the arrival of cold weather. The flower of fuchsia when nursing needs one additional dressing with complex preparations for 2 weeks. In winter the plant is at rest and does not need stimulation. If you made a transplant, then you should not hurry, resume fertilizing a month after the adaptation of fuchsia to new conditions. Suitable, both root and foliar application of fertilizers.

Top dressing is not applied to dry soil, before this procedure, the ground should be watered a little. To stimulate the formation of buds, the crown is treated with "Zircon", then fuchsia needs phosphate-potassium fertilizers. Suitable fertilizers are balanced old and new brands for flowers - "Spring Effect", "Plant Wonder Growth", Pokon, other proven drugs.

Fuchsia-growing problems

A lot of problems are caused by the wintering of fuchsias. In the cold period, plants are transferred to a cool room, at temperatures above 15 ° C and poor lighting, it is strongly stretched. If there is no suitable room, then it will be necessary to create artificial illumination of bushes with fluorescent lamps. Constant flowering leads to exhaustion, so a cool wintering on the loggias is the best option.

In the case, how to make the fuchsia blossom at home, Zircon helps, this fertilizer causes the appearance of buds even in the most fastidious varieties. The beginning of the inflorescence is the most important period, at this time it is undesirable to turn the pots around the axis, rearrange them to a new location. In the heat of a plant often drops leaves, lower the temperature can be air-conditioned or by spraying the green mass. When harmful insects appear in the summer, use "Aktaru" or other insecticides.