How to make aloe with honey?

Information about aloe vera can be found in the oldest folios of Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, dated almost 1500 BC. Among the fields of application of an amazing plant, medicine is first of all called. Most often it is used in the form of tinctures, ointments, medicinal mixtures. I think that it's not a secret for anyone to prepare aloe with honey, although there are nuances in this process that should be taken into account.

This magic mixture is useful for various diseases, including colds, stomach diseases, with weak resistance of the organism, etc.

Since aloe vera has the ability to activate the work of the stomach, the juice contains anthrachions (substances with a laxative and analgesic effect), saponins (have an antiseptic effect), enzymes, etc. - it, naturally, can become the present panacea for the sick organ. Consider how to prepare a medicine from aloe and honey for the treatment of stomach diseases.

Aloe with honey for stomach



It is necessary to take the leaves of a mature plant (over three years old) that lay in a cold place for a few days, and squeeze out juice from them with a wooden rolling pin. Add honey to it. It is important that honey is of high quality, only then you can expect a high effect from the application of the product! Use on a teaspoon on an empty stomach three times a day.

In the juice of aloe with honey, other ingredients may be added during the preparation: carrot juice (with gastritis), plantain juice (with peptic ulcer disease), potato juice (with increased acidity), etc.

In scientific studies of recent years, for example, in the works of V. Filatov, the mechanism of the action of aloe vera on the resistance of the organism to external pathogenic influences is justified. Aloe with honey, from the point of view of the scientist, is the most powerful biogenic stimulator, which affects the ability of body tissues to regenerate and enhance immunity.

Aloe with honey to enhance immunity



A wooden rolling pin squeezes juice from the leaves of mature aloe. It is important to avoid contact of the plant juice with metal objects. In a glass bowl, mix aloe vera juice thoroughly with honey. For a week insist in a cool dark place. Talking about how to make aloe with honey for immunity , then the recommended dosage: 2-3 times a day before eating a teaspoon.