Raises or lowers the pressure of viburnum?

Kalina is deservedly considered one of the most useful berries that grow in our country. Due to the content of valuable micro- and macro elements, vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, pectins, tannins and some other components, it has a wide range of medicinal properties and can be used to treat a variety of diseases, from colds to oncology.

Applying this berries for medicinal purposes, do not forget that it has some contraindications, and can also cause a number of side effects. In particular, people suffering from problems with arterial pressure, you should know whether the red viburnum raises or lowers the pressure, and whether it is possible to use it for hypotension and hypertension. Let's look at these questions.

Reduces or increases the pressure of viburnum?

Before answering the question, raises or lowers the pressure of tea from the viburnum and other means based on it, we will examine what effect this berry has on the circulatory system as a whole. According to the conducted researches and long experience of the use of viburnum in medicine, the systematic use of berries or preparations on their basis causes the following positive effects in the body:

In addition, viburnum helps to remove from the body excess fluid, i.e. has a diuretic effect, thereby reducing the volume of blood circulating in blood vessels. Thanks to this, a reduction in blood pressure is achieved - an antihypertensive effect. Thus, this berry nevertheless contributes to a decrease in pressure, and this property of the viburnum can be used at an elevated pressure to normalize it.

But it is worth considering that the effective therapeutic effect of viburnum can have only at the initial stages of hypertensive disease and under the condition of long-term systematic use. There are many recipes for the use of viburnum for hypertensive patients, and the medicines are prepared not only on the basis of fruits, but also on the basis of bark, flowers and leaves of the viburnum. The simplest recipe - tea (infusion) of berries of a Kalina, for which preparation it is necessary to fill in a glass of boiled water two table spoons of the crushed berries and to insist some minutes.

Kalina under reduced pressure

The question remains: how to be people suffering from low blood pressure? Is the viburnum strictly contraindicated in hypotension? Most experts agree that with low blood pressure , it can be used, but in a moderate amount and for a short time. Ie, for example, such patients will not be harmed, but, on the contrary, will benefit, a cup of tea with kalina, soaking for the night before going to bed, with a cold disease. This is due to the fact that the action of the viburnum on the body is very mild, and for a steady decrease in pressure it should be used continuously for a minimum of a week.

In addition, to neutralize the hypotensive effect of the viburnum, you can combine its use with a cup of coffee, strong tea, a bit of bitter chocolate, etc. Thus, with a reasonable application of funds based on viburnum can not harm hypotension, if there are no other contraindications to their reception. So, the viburnum can not be used in pregnancy, gastric ulcer, hyperacidity, tendency to thrombosis.