Carrot juice - good and bad for the liver

Of all the fresh carrot is considered the most useful and nutritious. This is explained by the large number of valuable microelements and vitamins that make up the product. Knowing all the beneficial and harmful properties of carrot juice for the liver, the drink can be used to normalize the body and improve overall well-being.

Is carrot juice useful for the liver?

Each of the elements contained in the carrot affects the body favorably. For example, the best-known beta-carotene not only improves vision, but also strengthens the immune system, bones, teeth, normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system.

Soon after penetrating the body, beta-carotene turns into vitamin A, and the benefits of carrot juice for the liver become invaluable:

  1. Carrots have a unique property - the root can renew the cells of the internal organs in general and the liver in particular. This prevents many diseases.
  2. If you drink juice regularly, the body will not lack a keratin - one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. The substance will help remove slags, toxins and other harmful elements from the liver. This will improve both well-being and appearance.
  3. Another good for the liver property of carrot juice is the ability to remove cholesterol from the body. The main thing is not to take too long breaks in the drink.

Harm the carrot juice for the liver

Absolutely innocuous medicine does not exist. And even carrot juice in some cases can harm the body. To avoid unpleasant consequences, drink the drug you need in reasonable quantities. The optimal daily dose should not exceed a quarter of a liter.

Otherwise, the slag will begin to dissolve too quickly, and the intestines with the kidneys can not cope with their excretion. As a result, harmful elements will exit through the skin, which will lead to yellowing of the epidermis.

Carrot juice with liver cancer

Freshly squeezed carrot juice, as practice shows, improves the well-being of people with oncological diseases. In addition, patients very well tolerate this natural medicine.

To prevent the growth of tumors will help half a glass of carrot fresh, soaking during the day, and quite a loyal diet. The latter implies the rejection of sweet, floury and starchy foods. If desired, carrots can be mixed with other juices - beet, for example.