How to brew the root of ginger?

The only true way to brew the root of ginger does not exist, it all depends on what effect you want to get by drinking this drink. Therefore, before you begin the process of preparing it, think about whether you want to accelerate with it the metabolism or your goal is to get rid of the symptoms of colds .

How to brew the root of ginger?

There are two basic ways with which you can prepare this useful drink, no matter which one you choose, follow the simple rule - use only fresh root, well washed and peeled. Otherwise, you will bring the body only harm, and not good.

  1. How to brew the root of ginger for weight loss? If you want to speed up the metabolic processes in the body, take 1 tsp. rubbed root, mix it with the same amount of chopped garlic, pour the resulting gruel hot (about 90 degrees Celsius) with water. The drink should be infused for at least 30 minutes so that it does not cool down, it is recommended to wrap the teapot in a towel or shawl. After half an hour, pour this peculiar tea into a cup and add 1 tsp to it. of natural honey.
  2. How to brew the root of ginger for colds? Here the process will be much easier. You should take 1 tsp. grated root, mix it with 1 tablespoon. tea leaves and place all the ingredients in a container. Next, you pour the mixture with hot water and let it brew for 15 minutes, then add a slice of lemon to the teapot, and leave the drink for another quarter of an hour. If you wish, you can drink this tea with honey or sugar, well complements it and raspberry jam, just do not overdo it, remember that both raspberries and honey cause profuse sweating, so limit 3-5 spoons.