Rheumatoid arthritis - treatment with folk remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis is considered one of the most common joint diseases. Because of inflammation during illness, joints can deform, which leads to a disruption of their functions. It is accompanied by strong pains, often immobilizing the patient. There are a lot of methods for treating arthritis. Yet one of the most popular ways is treating rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies. To compete with modern medicines, natural medicine manages due to its harmlessness and naturalness.

The main methods of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

It is important to understand that folk remedies for rheumatoid arthritis will not act as quickly as medications. Therefore, during an exacerbation of the disease, most likely, you will have to turn to traditional methods of treatment for help:

Most often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to control rheumatoid arthritis. It also happens that it is not possible to relieve the pain of some NSAIDs. In such cases, analgesics are prescribed.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are best conducted in parallel with the drug course. In this case, the result of treatment will be maximally positive.

To orthopedic same treatment specialists resort mainly to the late stages of the disease. This method can include orthosis and surgical correction of joints.

How to cure rheumatoid arthritis with folk remedies?

Of course, rely on only folk remedies in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is not worth it. But as an additional support for the body, their use is only welcomed.

The most popular folk methods of treating rheumatoid arthritis look like this:

  1. Sprouted wheat grains are very useful for joints. Prepare this medicine at home is not difficult. Rinse the grains well and put them on a plate, covered with gauze or cloth moistened with water. In a couple of days the wheat should germinate. For the treatment is suitable for seeds with sprouts no more than three millimeters, the rest contain poison. Wheat can be eaten simply or crushed in a blender and mixed with honey, nuts, raisins or dried apricots. The optimal dose is 100 g of grains per day.
  2. Very often, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, folk medicine uses shoots of oats. They can be added to the bath, it will help to remove the inflammation.
  3. To rub the patient's joint, you can prepare a special ointment. You will need 150 g of honey, about 200 ml of fresh black radish juice, a couple of pinch of salt and half a glass of vodka. Stir well all the ingredients - the ointment is ready. It should be used every day.
  4. Surely you have seen how older people break off the flowers of chestnuts. It turns out that this is the main component of an excellent folk remedy for rheumatoid arthritis. Pour the flowers with vodka and leave on top. a couple of weeks in a dark place. Before use, carefully strain the tincture. Take the drug you need five drops three times a day.
  5. Tea made from rose hips, black currant leaves and cowberries is simple and effective. You need to drink it twice a day for a glass. Do this preferably before eating.
  6. Helps with rheumatoid arthritis and folk treatment with red wine. The drink should be at room temperature. Add a couple of tablespoons of powdered mustard to the wine and mix everything well. Use this tool to make compresses, which are recommended not to be held for more than a quarter of an hour.