Garlic tincture for cleaning vessels - Tibetan recipe

With age, the vessels wear out. They become denser, brittle, and their walls are uneven and rough. One of the most effective means for cleaning blood vessels is garlic tincture with alcohol, prepared according to a Tibetan recipe, information about which was found in the manuscripts of monks. Taking it, you can in a short period of time increase the lumen of the vesicles and restore the nutrition of the adjacent tissues.

What is useful for Tibetan garlic tincture?

The Tibetan recipe for cleaning garlic can remove from the walls a layer of salt, fats, "bad" cholesterol and lime that interferes with the blood flow and is the main cause of atherosclerotic plaques. Using a Tibetan garlic tincture recipe for cleaning the vessels, you:

Clogged vessels can cause dyspnoea, leg cramps and muscle pain when walking. Cleaning with the help of tinctures will help to forget about such problems forever.

How to cook Tibetan garlic tincture?

So that you get an effective and tasty garlic tincture for cleaning the vessels, the Tibetan prescription can not be changed to any gram. In addition, during its preparation it is forbidden to use metal objects.

Tincture recipe



Garlic, peel in a mortar and put a container, covering it with a dense lid and wrapped in a towel. After 2 hours, transfer 200 g of liquid mass to the jar and pour it with alcohol. Close the container tightly, wrap it in a dark cloth and put it in a cool place. After 10 days strain the mixture and leave it for another 2 days.


Very important moment is the time when you will cook garlic tincture according to the recipe of Tibetan monks. This should be done only in the autumn. It is then that garlic has the strongest properties. Take this remedy for a month, mixing with 50 ml of milk, strictly adhering to the scheme:

Cleaning of blood vessels with garlic and alcohol according to the Tibetan prescription can be carried out not more often than once in 3 years.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of Tibetan tincture

Garlic tincture, made according to the Tibetan recipe, has side effects. Those who use it to clean the vessels can face:

In a person who regularly uses tincture, urination and secretion of gastric juice increases. In these cases, you should not cancel the appointment. All these phenomena are temporary. To improve the condition, it is enough to drink an infusion of motherwort or tea with mint daily. Also during the day you need to drink 1-1.5 liters of water. This will reduce the load on the kidneys. When the course of cleaning the vessels is completed, it is necessary to drink a complex of vitamins, in which there is fish oil.

The Tibetan prescription for cleaning the vessels is contraindicated when:

Garlic tincture is a concentrated and very powerful remedy, so it is also strictly forbidden to take it to people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and other stomach diseases.