Thyme - useful properties

Thyme is a medicinal plant, the medicinal properties of which were used by ancient Egyptians and Sumerians. And now for many centuries it continues to be used to treat a huge number of diseases, which is due to the unique natural composition of this herb.

Healing composition of thyme

This herb has a simply amazing set of medicinal components. Thyme is dominated by essential oil, rich in thymol, linalol and other substances that have a bactericidal effect on microbes, worms, pathogenic fungi and withered heads.

Also, the grass contains simply an amazing set of organic acids, such as: olean, coffee, quinine and ursol. Its medicinal properties of thyme due to its tannins, flavonoids, mineral salts and bitterness. All this makes it possible to use the plant as a disinfectant, antiseptic and bactericidal natural medicine.

How to save the useful properties of thyme?

For use in medicinal purposes, almost all parts of the plant are suitable, except for the roots. Thyme can bloom a couple of times a season, beginning in May and ending in October. It is at this time and it is necessary to keep harvesting leaves, stems and flowers. This is done by drying them in the air in the absence of direct sunlight. Thyme oil has special properties, which must also be produced during its flowering period. A prerequisite, on the observance of which the degree of the benefits of thyme will depend, is its collection in ecologically clean places, as far as possible from industrial enterprises and highways.

Useful properties of thyme herb

As already mentioned above, this plant has been used since ancient times. The Egyptians used it for embalming, and the Sumerians used it to disinfect wounds. The Scots, having drunk a decoction of grass, were gathered fearlessness before the imminent battle. Modern folk medicine has revealed all the useful properties of thyme creeping, such as:

Contraindications for use

It is because of its unique composition, which is calculated in dozens of components, that this herb is capable both positively and negatively to influence the human body. Therefore, it is worthwhile to get acquainted with all the benefits and harm of thyme and take into account the features of your health. So, for example, a medicine containing this plant is completely contraindicated in case of inadequate activity of the heart and kidneys, with peptic ulcer and carrying a child. Long-term use of tinctures and other drugs from thyme can cause hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, nausea and vomiting.

Useful properties of thyme lemon are completely inaccessible to people who suffer from bronchial asthma, increased blood pressure and emphysema. This is due to the high content of essential oils and organic acids in it.