Lubasnik oil

Labaznik (tavolga) is a perennial plant of the pink family, which has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine. You can learn it by fragrant yellowish-white or pinkish-white flowers, collected in paniculate inflorescences, which blossom in the first half of summer. You can meet the fucker in the fields, in shady places near trees, in boggy meadows, near water bodies. On the basis of this plant, various medicinal forms are prepared: a decoction, infusions, ointment, oil, etc. Let us consider in more detail what useful properties the oil of the medicinal plant possesses, when it is used, and how it is prepared.

Composition and application of mildew oil

Essential oil, which gives a fragrant honey aroma, is found in large quantities in the flowers and seeds of the mildew, and it is also present in other parts of the plant - stems, leaves and rhizomes. Due to its high content in the chemical composition of this plant, salicylic aldehyde (up to 70%) is sometimes called "natural aspirin". Therefore, it has the following properties:

Lubasnik oil is used to dilute blood and improve its rheological properties, stimulate the blood supply to the brain. It can also help with colds, flu, various pain syndromes (headaches, toothache , pain in the muscles, joints, etc.). Moreover, it is used both for oral administration and for external application, for addition to baths, as a means of aromatherapy.

Other components of the composition of the lubricant oil are: methyl salicylate, heliotropin, benzoic aldehyde, vanillin, ethyl benzoate, phenylethylphenyl acetate, etc.

How to make mazhasnik oil yourself?

It is very difficult to prepare butter of mallinizer at home. However, from dried flowers and herbs plants can prepare an ointment, the use of which is equivalent to the use of oil from a medicinal for skin, and the recipe is quite simple.

The recipe for oil from the mallin


Preparation and use

Pulverized raw material is combined with vaseline and lanolin and mixed to a uniform consistency. The resulting ointment can be used, applying to affected areas 1-2 times a day, with: