Brown rice for weight loss

Daily rice satisfies the hunger of most of the world's population. However, if it is not just about saturation, but also about the benefits, and even about losing weight, then there is no competition for brown rice.

Brown and white rice

White polished rice, with which we are most familiar and brown rice, is grown from one cereal crop, but for grinding, the rice grain is broken, the outer shell is removed. Along with this innocent process, white rice loses almost 90% of all vitamins and beneficial oils, which remain untouched in brown rice. It is due to the high content of B group vitamins, polyunsaturated oils and fiber, brown rice is actively used throughout the world for weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

The Benefits of Brown Rice

Brown rice cleanses the intestines from slags that ferment food residues, normalizes intestinal peristalsis. In addition, brown rice is ideal for weight loss, since it has a low glycemic index and refers to slow carbohydrates. This means that it gradually satiates us, quenching for a long time the feeling of hunger. Sugar is excreted in the blood very dosed, thereby pancreatic is not depleted by sharp secretions of insulin. The level of sugar in the blood is directly proportional to the level of appetite.

How right?

Consider how to cook rice for weight loss. In the evening 60 g of washed rice should be filled with cold water. In the morning, the swollen grains can be boiled or boiled and eaten raw. Cooking will take no more than 10 minutes, soaking will save some of the nutrients. Raw rice is the most effective for weight loss, as all vitamins and oils remained intact in it, and thermal treatment partially or completely destroys them. More useful than brown, only wild rice, it can be recognized by a black shell, which is a storehouse of vitamins, so missing for weight loss on diets.