Food Hygiene

Hygiene is a science that studies the influence of various environmental factors on the life of a person. Food hygiene is a branch of science that is responsible for the usefulness, expediency, rationality of nutrition. That is, it gives us information ground for our food to be as healthy as possible.

To the hygiene of human nutrition, you can include absolutely any information aimed at the diet . This, including, and diet for weight loss, and therapeutic nutrition, and the regime of food intake, as well as much more.

Caloric value

If you decide to harmonize your life with hygiene and food culture, you must start with calories. A person's daily diet should correspond to his energy costs. Caloric content of the diet should correspond to sex, occupation, age, physical activity of a person.

A person actively engaged in sports uses much more energy (and therefore calories) than an average domestic person. The energy value of women's diet is always 15% lower than that of men, and this is not due to activity, but to less intensive metabolic processes. At the same time, during pregnancy and lactation, the needs of the female body increase dramatically, along with the caloric content.

The energy value of the ration is measured in kilocalories, denoting the amount of energy released during their combustion.

At a small physical exertion - 25 kcal / kg.

The average load is 30 kcal / kg.

High load - 35-40 kcal / kg.

Athletes are professionals - 45-50 kcal / kg.

Quantity and proportions of nutrients

The next item in human food hygiene is the proportionality of the diet. The diet should include proteins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral salts, vitamins - all components, without exception, "fat-harmful" carbohydrates or fats.

The ideal proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - 1: 1: 4.

As for the minerals, everything is more complicated here, because they must come in full force, and this is 60 varieties. Among them are macroelements and microelements (those that need not exceed 1 mg / kg). If one of the minerals does not arrive, the metabolism fails.

With a shortage of vitamins, the body begins to show signs of a deficit, which can be called anemia or beriberi. Simply put, the lack of any vitamin leads to a slowdown in growth, regeneration, a decrease in efficiency, the development of characteristic diseases.

Distribution of food during the day

Food hygiene is also engaged in the diet, that is, the distribution of food during the day and the ratio of calories to meals. Ideally, there are 6 meals a day. But in practice, the main thing is that the interval between meals does not exceed 4 hours, this rule applies to all categories of the population.

Breakfast should contain 25-35% of daily calories, lunch - about 40%, and dinner - 20-25%.

At the same time, breakfast is really an integral part of the food ration, because it is at this point that the energy reserve is created for the whole working day. And dinner (as opposed to what it is for most people) is an easy meal that replenishes the lost energy. The menu for dinner should consist of easily digestible food, which does not excite neither the appetite nor the nervous system. Of course, dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Hygiene of cooking

It is impossible not to say about the hygiene of food, because ignoring this part will bring to nothing all the efforts previously spent on the harmonization of its table.

First, the products should be washed, no matter how clean and ecologically grown they may be.

Secondly, sponges and rags for washing dishes, tables, working surfaces should be changed as often as possible, because in their wet environment bacteria develop very actively.

Thirdly, the spoon that has been in our mouth should not migrate to a common pan. That is, if during cooking, you try the dish for readiness, salinity, sharpness, used spoon should be washed, and not dropped back into the container.