Increased immunity in children

When a person interacts with the world around him, various factors influence him. Some of them, for example infections, can cause irreparable harm to the body. And in the role of protector is the immune system. As a result of her complex work, a person develops immunity, which is of two kinds.

Specific immunity. Occurs during illness, and also as a reaction to an inoculation against a certain disease. It is strictly individual for each person and works only for a certain infection.

Nonspecific immunity. It protects the body from various diseases. It is the same for different people.

At the child the immune system is imperfect, therefore increase of immunity in children is extremely important for their health. You can improve immunity in various ways. If it is necessary to undergo vaccination or to survive a specific disease in order to develop specific immunity, for the increase of nonspecific immunity, for children use such means:

The state of immunity of a child depends largely on the amount of minerals and vitamins that enter the body. Children need their dosages of these substances. Therefore, it is better to use specially adapted vitamins for children, which increase immunity. It is especially important to take them in winter and autumn, when the risk of influenza epidemics increases and there is a lack of vitamins in the food you eat.

If a child is often sick for a long time, it is necessary to show it to the immunologist, because only a doctor can find weak links in the immune system and choose the right medicine. To use drugs for children to increase immunity without control and without the presence of immunodeficiency in the child, confirmed by laboratory methods of investigation, is not recommended.

When using immunostimulant as a means to improve immunity for children, it is necessary to rely on the following principles:

For children, the following drugs are used to increase immunity (immunostimulants):

  1. Interferons (viferon, kipferon), capable of inhibiting the development of infection, mostly of viral origin.
  2. Inductors of endogenous interferons, i.e. those that are produced in the body (tsikloferon, arbidol, anaferon).
  3. Bacterial preparations for improving immunity (bronchomunal, IRS 19, ribomunil, lycopid) containing neutralized fragments of infectious agents that stimulate immunity.
  4. Immunostimulants of plant origin (immunal containing Echinacea, preparations of ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine and others).
  5. To the means, which increase the immunity in children, it is possible to include early application of the newborn to the breast and feeding it with mother's milk. This helps the infant's imperfect immune system to acquire functional maturity and at the same time protects against infections. In addition, mother's milk is a good prophylaxis of dysbacteriosis, which reduces immunity.

How to increase the immunity of the child folk remedies?

You can improve the immunity of the child folk remedies. Natural products act gently, easily accessible, are natural. Here are a few recipes.

They have proven themselves as drugs for improving immunity for the use in children of homeopathic remedies. They are appointed exclusively by a homeopathic doctor.