In feces the child has black strings

Sometimes parents have to deal with things that are not found in life often. Such situations are frightening, and it is not entirely clear how one should continue to behave with a crumb. In feces the child has black strings - this is one of these moments. Whether it is necessary to urgently run to the doctor or wait until this symptom passes independently, it is possible to understand, from what products the ration of the carapace consists of.

What does the baby eat?

Everyone knows that the digestive system of crumbs does not work exactly as in adults. Some products that enter the body of a child are not easily digested or not digested at all, and come out with feces. Black threads in the feces of the baby and in older children, as a rule, arise for two reasons:

So, from the above, it can be seen that eating iron-containing foods is fraught with the fact that the kid in the feces will find black strings, which in the panic are often mistaken for "strange" worms.

Why is this happening?

The immature digestive system of infants, especially if a banana or an apple was introduced into the diet for the first time, can thus react to these foods. The black threads in the children's feces are nothing more than undeveloped iron particles, and one should not be frightened of this. In a child of older age, this phenomenon may appear after he ate a large amount of persimmons or kiwi. And it should be noted that the iron contained in these products can be excreted from the body of a small man not only in the form of thin threads, painted in black, but also in the form of dots, the size of a poppy seed.

Is it normal?

The appearance of black "worms" in the feces of a child is the norm, if he ate foods rich in iron, and it is not necessary to treat it. Just like you should not remove these useful fruits from the diet. In addition to iron, bananas, for example, contain a large amount of potassium, which is necessary for the development of mental activity in children, and in apples contains vitamin C, which is able to protect the child from viruses and bacteria. Over time, the digestive system will begin to fully absorb iron, and the black strands will disappear from your baby's feces. Another thing, if your child did not eat iron-containing foods, then this is an occasion to visit the doctor and take the tests. He will help to understand parents in the cause of such an unusual phenomenon and, if necessary, will prescribe appropriate treatment.