Sealing of teeth in children

Recently, tooth decay has become "younger": it is quite common even in children 2-3 years old. Few of the parents know that in dentistry there is a painless and effective method of preventing this disease - sealing.

On the use of teeth sealing in children

Protecting children's teeth from tooth decay, it turns out, is simple. For this, dentists suggest using a kind of tooth sealing. Fissures - grooves on the chewing teeth, covered with a special hermetic composition, which prevents bacteria from getting inside and provoking destruction. In addition, the composition of the sealant includes fluoride and calcium, strengthening the tooth.

Sealing benefits:

Sealing of fissures of dairy and permanent teeth

This important and necessary procedure can be carried out immediately, as soon as the first chewing tooth appeared. Sealing of baby teeth is not common, as caries on them spread very quickly, but if you spend it on time - right after eruption, you can avoid an unpleasant disease.

More often seal permanent teeth in children 6-7 years. The procedure allows you to rarely contact the dentists for help. Re-seal should be done as the first layer is erased - its service life can vary from 3 to 8 years.

To smile at your child was beautiful and healthy it is necessary to visit the dentist every 3 months, from the moment when he had the first tooth. Do not neglect also such simple means of prevention as a toothbrush and paste.