Vintage decoration

Wavy images of ladies in shining dresses in old gold jewelry with diamonds and pearls - luxury, beauty and grandeur of that time stirs the imagination. Despite the fact that times of magnificent points and luxury have almost come out of everyday life, stylish jewelry is still relevant today.

Jewelers-designers create in their collections decorations in the style of vintage, using a variety of materials. The fashion for such things remains, but it is important to know what they are better to wear today, so as not to cause condemning views of contemporaries.

How to wear it correctly and with what?

Jewelry under the antiquity is considered a purely evening decoration and, more often than not, they will be appropriate to look at a lady of 30 or more years. As a rule, girls of a more young age will be perfectly fit jewelry from the category of costume jewelry, a choice which modern designers offer for every taste. Although, if you are lucky to get the legacy of great-grandmother's old jewelry, then in this case they can "flash" both at the corporate reception and at the prom. Just do not combine such a thing with the alternative of our time. For example, if you have a pendant on a pearl thread in the middle of the 19th century, then you should not add a bracelet of modern origin to it. Especially it concerns ancient ornaments from pearls - they in due course change a shade which becomes more sated and beige. Wearing this option with a new one, you will make the necklace more dull and dull. A more laid-back option for the daytime image is considered antique jewelry made of silver. This option modestly emphasizes your exquisite taste and gives your romantic image a light note of retro style.