Extended pupils in the child

In general, the dilated pupil in the child, as in the adult, is a completely normal physiological process. But with one condition - the large pupils in the child are observed periodically, but not permanently. If not, contact your doctor.

Causes of dilated pupils

Poor lighting in the room where the child spends the majority of the time, neurological diseases and problems, pain, intense interest in something, watching the TV for a long time or sitting at the monitor, overweight and even taking drugs - that's why the pupils can be dilated pupils . If some situations do not require absolutely no intervention, the constantly enlarged pupils of the child - an occasion for anxiety.

We are struggling with the problem ourselves

Pay attention to the color of the wallpaper and the curtains in the room. It is possible that too dark tones cause the child to strain the muscles located around the iris of the eye. A good table lamp and large bright windows will help to solve the problem. A child who often becomes a witness of conflicts and quarrels, is in a stressful state. The nervous system makes you react to such experiences and fears by dilating the pupils. And this is only an external aspect. In fact, not only the eyes, but also the psyche of the child, suffer. A warm friendly atmosphere will save this problem.

Another way is to limit the time of watching TV and games on the computer. Overexertion of eyes is fraught with deterioration of vision.

Help of specialists

In the event that all methods and methods of combating pupillary dilatation in the child are unsuccessful, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The defeat of the optic nerves can result in the loss of the ability to feel and respond to light. In addition, if a pupil's pupils are of different sizes, the doctor can diagnose anisocoria, which will have to be treated even by surgical methods.