Diarrhea on the head of a child

Diarrhea on the head of a child is quite common. Typically, this disease manifests itself in the form of pink spots on the entire area of ​​which hair loss occurs. That's why this disorder has received such a name as ringworm. Let's consider it in more detail and tell about the features of the therapeutic process.

How does the infection occur?

In most cases, this type of lichen falls on the scalp and nails. The latter are affected when the child starts to scratch the affected areas of the skin due to severe itching.

Microspores of the fungus directly affect the hair follicle. That's why hair loss occurs.

Outbreaks of the disease are observed in the autumn-spring period, which is due to the fact that it is at this time in dogs and cats observed offspring. With direct contact of children with small puppies and kittens, the agent enters the skin of the hands.

What are the symptoms of such a violation, as the lichen on the head of the child?

When the fungus hits the scalp, it penetrates into the hair follicles, where it begins to multiply intensively. In a short time in the place of the hearth begin to appear bald spots. Hair at a height of 2 cm from the root break. As a result, the impression is visually affected that they are unevenly cut. The size of lesions can reach a diameter of 10 cm.

As a rule, there are no signs on which it would be possible to judge the onset of the disease. Therefore, mothers learn about the disease only when appearing bald spots.

How is deprivation treated?

Having dealt with how the ringworm on the child's head looks, let 's talk about how to treat such a disease.

The therapeutic process in this case directly depends on the steppe severity. As a rule, the package of measures includes:

On average, the treatment of the disease takes up to 1 month, after which the hair on the affected areas begin to gradually grow.