Pyelonephritis in children - symptoms

Pyelonephritis in children is an inflammatory process at the level of the upper urinary tract (in the kidneys). Unfortunately, the clinical picture of pyelonephritis in infants is no different in symptoms from cystitis (infection at the level of the lower urinary tract - the bladder). Therefore, in the clinic, most often these two concepts are combined in the term "febrile urinary tract infection." Despite this, studies have shown that infants are most often affected by the kidneys, so treatment of the infection is started according to the scheme as with pyelonephritis.

Causes of pyelonephritis in children

Most often, the cause of pyelonephritis in newborns is the presence of bacteria in the blood. That is, any microbe that enters the body of a child can provoke pyelonephritis.

In infants, the mechanism of the appearance of pyelonephritis is different - the bacteria "rise" from the lower urinary tracts, and, reaching the kidneys, provoke the symptoms of pyelonephritis.

The microorganisms that most often affect the kidneys include:

The first three microorganisms are normal "inhabitants" of the intestine, but getting into the urinary tract, cause acute and chronic inflammatory processes.

How do children manifest pyelonephritis?

Symptoms of pyelonephritis in children vary depending on their age. Also, they have a close relationship with the mechanism of development of renal infection. Next, we will explain how pyelonephritis manifests itself in children, depending on their age.

Pyelonephritis in newborns

Symptoms of pyelonephritis in newborns are due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the blood. Therefore, the signs of the disease at this age are extremely nonspecific, and do not indicate a lesion of the kidneys:

Pyelonephritis in infants

Pyelonephritis in infants and small children (from 2 months to 2 years) also has a nonspecific picture:

Symptoms of acute pyelonephritis in preschool and school children

Symptoms of pyelonephritis in adolescents

Similar to the symptoms in adults:

It would be fair to note that all of the above symptoms relate to acute pyelonephritis in children.

How does chronic kidney damage manifest?

There are cases when chronic pyelonephritis in children occurs as a complication of acute pyelonephritis. Or, chronic pyelonephritis is initially detected in a randomized study (ultrasound, urinalysis).

Thus, in the period of remission of chronic pyelonephritis - there are no symptoms. But with the slightest decrease in immunity, hypothermia, or inadequate hygiene, symptoms may to appear in all its glory.

Treatment of pyelonephritis in children

Treatment of pyelonephritis in children is based on antibacterial therapy, hydration, as well as on the use of drugs that stop the temperature and pain. The duration of treatment is from 7 to 14 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the response of the body to treatment.

Children with anomalies in the development of the kidneys or urinary tract should always be registered with a urologist or nephrologist.