Grass thyme - medicinal properties and contraindications

The aromatic herb of thyme has a pleasant aroma, due to what it is popular in cooking, but do not forget about the rich chemical composition that causes a wide range of useful properties. Use the plant in folk recipes for the treatment and maintenance of beauty.

How does a thyme look like?

Herbaceous plant, whose height reaches 5-30 cm, is called thyme. At its base are coarse stems of dark red color. Thyme, Bogorodskaya grass, thyme - all are names of the same plant, which is a honeycomb. The branches of the peduncles are directed upwards and covered with flowers, painted in pink. The flowering period lasts from the end of June to August. Leaves of thyme are small, whole and ovate. On them there are special glands, which secrete essential oil.

When to collect thyme?

For medicinal folk recipes, only the ground part of the plant is suitable, which is dried and stored at home. The plant of thyme is accepted to collect during flowering and to cut off only the upper parts of shoots together with the peduncles. In order for the herb to continue to multiply, it is forbidden to pull it from the root. Sending for the collection of thyme is necessary in dry weather, after the morning dew dries. It is not necessary to collect lignified bases of bushes.

Grass thyme should be dried in a room that is well ventilated, or in the shade under a canopy. Plant the paper on a layer of 5 cm thick. Drying continues until the stems become brittle, and the leaves and flowers will not crumble when torn. After this, it is necessary to remove rough stems, black leaves and flowers. Good raw materials are crushed and stored in glass containers or canvas bags in a dry and dark place. A properly dried thyme will be fit for use for two years.

Thyme - medicinal properties

Miracle herbs include essential oils, vitamins A, C and Group B, minerals, for example, potassium, calcium, magnesium and others. These substances cause a wide range of useful properties. To see this, you need to know what helps the thyme:

  1. Promotes the stabilization of the nervous system, so it is useful to drink broth for insomnia, stress and other problems with the nervous system.
  2. Due to the presence of diuretic and diaphoretic effects, it is recommended to take decoctions and infusions in diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Describing what heals thyme, it is necessary to indicate the ability of a plant to effectively cope with dermatoses, various skin diseases, and all thanks to wound healing and antiseptic action.
  4. Stabilizes the activity of the digestive system and improves the flow of metabolic processes, which should interest people who want to lose weight .
  5. Effectively fights with worms and other parasites. With the help of decoction and infusions, you can clean the body of the decay products.
  6. It has an antioxidant effect, due to which it is possible to protect cells from premature aging due to the action of free radicals.
  7. It is recommended to use the plant with a decrease in sexual desire and with erectile dysfunction.
  8. Essential oil helps fight bacteria, viruses and fungi diseases.
  9. Has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect on the body.
  10. Due to the toning effect, grass is recommended in case of loss of strength and fatigue.

Thymus from a cough

Coughing attacks are a common symptom of many ailments, which causes great discomfort. To reduce its manifestation, you can use folk recipes. Finding out how useful thyme is, it is worth mentioning that the grass effectively fights bacteria, reduces the productivity of cough and improves breathing, provoking spitting. To get rid of cough, it is recommended to drink healthy tea.



  1. Mix the plants, pour them with boiling water and insist to an acceptable temperature for consumption.
  2. Take a drink instead of regular tea. If the taste is too saturated, then add more water.

Thymus with diabetes

People who are diagnosed with diabetes mellitus should monitor their health and follow the doctor's recommendations. In addition, you can use folk remedies to relieve the condition. For those who are interested in what is useful for thymus for the body in diabetes, it is worth pointing out that it improves metabolic processes and the overall tone of the body, and normalizes the level of sugar in the blood. To do this, you need to prepare the infusion.



  1. Mix everything and insist under the lid for an hour. After this, strain and add more hot water, so as a result, a glass of liquid. Drink every day.
  2. Diabetics can add thyme to regular tea, mixing 1.5 teaspoons of black tea and 1 teaspoon of the plant.

Thymus in pancreatitis

When treating the inflammatory process, in addition to the main therapy prescribed by a doctor, you can use folk recipes. Bogorodskaya grass reduces inflammation, and yet it activates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues. When acute attacks can reduce pain. Folk treatment means taking a special infusion.



  1. Pour the grass boiled with water, close the lid and insist for 10 minutes.
  2. Use infusion in pancreatitis in a warm form. In the period of remission per day you should drink at least 2-3 times a day. If the disease worsens, drink 1 tbsp per day.

How to use thyme with alcoholism?

In the herb contains 20-50% of thymol, which, when ingested and the human body in large quantities, can cause attacks of nausea and vomiting. The effect of this essential oil is increased by alcohol. It is worth noting that the herb of thyme will give results at the initial stages of alcoholism, when a persistent habit has not yet developed.

  1. If a person does not want to fight addiction, then you can simply add the fragrant plant to the dishes, gradually increasing the dose. Thyme powder can be put in meat dishes, salads and soups.
  2. If an alcoholic wants to stop drinking, then you need to prepare an infusion, for which a couple of large spoons fill 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist all at least 2 hours. Take this medication 2-3 times a day. Duration of treatment - a month.

Thymus in cosmetology

Oil, decoctions and infusions can be used for cosmetic purposes to look after your face. Bogorodskaya grass thyme improves microcirculation, restores the structure of the epidermis and complexion. It is used as a rejuvenating agent and for the treatment of rashes and inflammations. You can use a decoction for lotions and rubs, but it is better to prepare ice, which will additionally tone, and impart freshness to the face.



  1. Prepare the broth, bay 1 tbsp. Spoon the herbs with 350 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. on average fire.
  2. Strain the liquid, add the oils and pour into the forms. Will only freeze the dice.
  3. Wipe your face in the evening, moving on massage lines. After this, allow moisture to absorb itself. Sessions of cryomassage should be conducted for ten days three times a year.

Thymus for hair

You can take care of your hair with the help of folk recipes with Bogorodskaya grass. With her help, you can normalize the process of sebum secretion, achieve moistening of overdried locks and restore locks. Thyme is an ideal plant in order to stop hair loss, strengthen roots and accelerate the growth process. With regular application, you can get rid of dandruff . To feel all the useful properties on yourself, you must regularly carry out rinsing decoction.



  1. Bring the water to a boil and fill it with thyme. Put on a small fire and cook for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain the broth cool and rinse after washing your hair. You can pour the product into a jar with a spray and sprinkle curls.

Thymus - contraindications

At any medicinal plant except for the wide list of useful properties there are also contraindications. It is important to replace that folk remedies should be consumed according to the rules and with the observance of the dosage. Exceeding the allowed amount can cause health problems.

  1. It is forbidden to use thyme for allergic people, that is, people with individual intolerance to plant components.
  2. You can not take thyme in the presence of problems in the work of the cardiovascular system, because it increases the heartbeat and blood pressure.
  3. Care should be taken to use grass to treat diabetics and for abnormalities in the glands of internal secretion.
  4. Contraindicated thyme with gastritis and ulcer in the phase of exacerbation. The ban also applies to people with kidney and liver pathologies.