Oil treatment of black cumin

Oil of black cumin has long been known for its wound healing and other useful properties. It began to be used as a medicine several centuries ago by healers in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, who also used leaves of black cumin. In our modern medicine, black cumin is often referred to as blackberry, and oil from it is still popular in many areas of medicine.

Application of black cumin oil

Oil of black cumin is very much appreciated for the benefit of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, skin, as well as organs and vessels that enter the cardiovascular system. Recipes for oil treatment of black cumin are used with reduced immunity, as well as where its antihistamine properties may be useful.

Treatment of sinusitis with oil of black cumin

This tool has been used for more than one century to combat sinusitis. Even the Islamic Koran has a few words about the oil treatment of black cumin such diseases of the nasal sinuses, which carry the modern names of sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.

The method of applying black cumin oil for sinusitis consists in the following:

  1. Twice a day, it is necessary to oil the area of ​​the nose and forehead, seizing the area between the eyebrows.
  2. In this case, the oil of black cumin is also buried in each nostril, and after that they are inhaled several times a day.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with oil of black cumin

This ancient method of treating hemorrhoids is very effective. Mixing the oil of black cumin and olive oil in a 1: 1 ratio, you can get an excellent remedy against hemorrhoids. Take another 3 tbsp. spoon once a day, and the course of treatment is 10 days.

Treatment of liver with oil of black cumin

One of the effective recipes for using black cumin oil is the following:

  1. Oil of black cumin in the amount of one teaspoon 15 minutes before meals is drunk in pure form.
  2. Next, it is washed down with a glass of water, in which it is first necessary to dissolve one tablespoon of honey bee.

Treatment of psoriasis with oil of black cumin

With psoriasis, this remedy is not only ingested, but also rubbed into the skin in the following way:

  1. Every day, gently rub the psoriasis patients on the skin.
  2. Take 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil in pure form, twice a day for 15 minutes before eating.
  3. The oil is washed down with a glass of water with a tablespoon of bee honey previously dissolved in it.