The Kremlin diet - principles and rules, a full table of points

Both men and women want to look attractive and have a beautiful figure. The Kremlin diet is known to every person who tried to shape himself in a short time. According to experts, it is realistic to lose up to 8 kg per week.

The Kremlin diet for weight loss

What is the Kremlin diet is an interesting way of losing weight, which includes meat, bread and alcohol. Adhering to it, kilograms begin to melt. For many decades, it has been actively used by ordinary people, politicians, and show business stars. The name itself came from the Kremlin, because only the high ranking officials were losing weight on it. You can easily lose weight on the Kremlin diet, observing simple rules:

The essence of the Kremlin diet

The basic and unchanging principle of the Kremlin diet is the calculation of points, which are calculated not by the number of calories, but by the concentration of carbohydrates in the diet. There is a special table, which details how many are assigned to a product per 100 g. The most surprising thing is that the minimum number is in meat, dairy products, eggs and cheeses. Experts have made a certain scheme, on the principle of which it is easier to control nutrition and weight loss.

  1. Lose weight, eating no more than 40 points per day.
  2. Weight is kept at a stable rate when controlling units to 60 per day.
  3. Increase in body weight when eating more than 80 points a day.

The Kremlin diet rules

Like any other system, this one has many rules and restrictions:

  1. In addition to the principle of using points, a person should exclude sugar, sweets and white bread.
  2. It is necessary to know that even if in the table some product is indicated with zero points, it should not be absorbed uncontrolled and unlimited.
  3. A portion of one intake should not exceed 200 g.
  4. In order for the food to appear fresh and tasteless - do not be afraid to add various spices such as pepper, horseradish, ginger, greens and mustard.
  5. Do not cut down the consumption of food, because then the body will stop getting useful substances for its proper work.
  6. Drinking with the Kremlin diet should be abundant, at least one and a half to two liters per day.
  7. It is desirable, in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before eating a glass of cool water.

The Kremlin diet - how to count points?

In order to control the amount eaten, try to take into account mono and polysaccharides. For example, meat, fish, sausages have almost zero index. Vegetables vary from 2 to 16 points, fruits from 3 to 68, dairy products from 1 to 29. The required indicators are available for everyone, they are listed below. Remember, the diet on points is calculated on the use of food in the amount of 100-200 g, not allowing overeating.

The Kremlin's diet menu

If you seriously approach the proposed scheme and follow instructions, you will have to go through 4 stages of the Kremlin diet. Still no one person, having passed them completely, did not remain not thinner. The reason for the rapid return of weight - a sharp cessation of control of nutrition. As noted by those who have lost weight, it is rather difficult to break off this diet, because it is quite satisfying. Stages of the Kremlin diet consists of the following rules:

  1. 1 stage . Its duration is not less than 14 days. Watch for incoming carbohydrates and do not exceed twenty units.
  2. 2 stage . Gradually increase the amount consumed by 5 per week. This stage usually lasts for a month.
  3. Stage 3 . Maintain an established body weight. Admissible use of up to 60 units per day.
  4. 4 th stage . The output and maintenance of the body is normal.

Sample menu for the week:

Products for the Kremlin diet

As it became known, this method of losing weight has a very rich diet. It is allowed to eat protein foods and mushrooms for champignons. Even relying on this list is quite easy to sustain a long period. This is a basic set that will replace the lion's share of the diet at this time. The Kremlin diet, whose permitted products include only low-carbohydrate - are very nourishing and can not be eaten by them is almost impossible. It is forbidden in the first 14 days to eat:

The Kremlin diet - Stage 1

The amount of consumed carbohydrates is reduced to 20 points per day. The menu of the first phase of the Kremlin diet should contain a large number of meat dishes, but in cooked form, or cooked for a couple. Not that which is forbidden. Follow the dietary schedule, do not make large gaps - it only hurts and slows down the process of getting rid of excess kilograms.

The Kremlin diet - Stage 2

After passing the first stage, the second will seem like a mere trifle. This month, add different types of nuts, increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The Kremlin diet (stage 2), the menu of which includes more diverse ingredients and requires strict control. Contraindicated to overeat and be sure to continue to count the amount of carbohydrates consumed. Allowed to add a week for 5 units. At this stage, the main goal is not to reduce the mass, but to maintain it, in order to avoid its surplus on exit.

Why does the Kremlin diet not help?

In practice, there were no cases that the diet did not help at all. There are some restrictions that prohibit its use, for example, people with a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. There are also fears that it will bring too little result, but this does not mean that you need to stop. The second and third stages involve more sparing regimes and longer terms, but in this case, most likely, some rules were violated during the course. If the Kremlin diet does not help, then the body requires a more attentive approach and perhaps a dietician's advice on selecting an individual menu.

Harm to the Kremlin diet

Any power system, even the most sparing, has some disadvantages in itself. The Kremlin is no exception and is capable of harming the body. That is why, nutritionists are not advised to extend the first stage. The consequences of the Kremlin diet are easily prevented if you closely monitor your health and do not force yourself to starve. The result will be visible in the very first days, and this will contribute to the desire to lose weight further.

  1. An unpleasant effect can occur in the overload of the output system. In order to avoid this trouble it is important to drink plenty of water.
  2. Eating meat, you should trust only trusted suppliers, because low-quality products can contain dangerous to health toxins.
  3. Exclusion from the menu of fruits and berries often leads to avitaminosis, even in such a short time. To avoid this, it is recommended to drink a vitamin complex or pamper yourself with one fruit, at least once every three days.

Kremlin diet - the table of points

A special table of products of the Kremlin diet has been created, with which it is easy to control one's weekly diet. It indicates almost everything that we use in everyday life. There is also a special list that reminds a person of the allowed products, permissible and categorically forbidden.