Cholagogue of plant origin

A healthy liver and gallbladder is a guarantee of well-being and that you can safely eat any foods that you like. In order to normalize the work of these organs, it is possible to use a cholagogue of plant origin. Which drug to give preference depends on many factors.

Cholagogues of plant origin - list

By its nature, all cholagogue products of plant origin are divided into two groups:

  1. Bile stimulating agents.
  2. Means that enhance its outflow from the gall bladder into the intestine.

The first category includes preparations based on bile acids and extracts of such plants:

Due to the high concentration of essential oils, flavonoids, tannins and active acids, these plants stimulate the production of bile by the liver and completely normalize the activity of this organ. Thanks to the influx of fresh bile, stagnant phenomena in the gall bladder are eliminated and the chemical composition of the blood is normalized. On the basis of these substances, such vegetable bile-remedies are made:

Vegetative cholagogue preparations - cholekinetics and cholepspasmolytics

If you decide to use the drugs of the second group, i.e., accelerating the outflow of bile, then you need to choose a vegetable cholagogue from cholekinetics, or holespazmalitikov.

The cholekinetics stimulate contractions of the gallbladder, and the cholepospalitics relax his sphincter. Pay attention to the following means:

There are many recipes for removing bile on their basis, but they can all be applied only after consulting a doctor. The fact is that such cholagogue can not be used in pancreatitis, gallstones and kidney stones, as well as other disorders of the body, so you should undergo a complete examination before starting treatment.

Also, many cholagogue products have rather pronounced side effects, which can be a problem. Do not risk your health and the health of your loved ones, consult a therapist about the drugs you plan to use.