Mandeville - home care

The Mandeville plant is a magnificent flower of the Kutrova family, which originate from the tropics of South and Central America. It is an elegant evergreen long-flowering liana up to 2 m long with gently smelling buds of all shades of pink, yellow, purple, white. Another name for the resident of the window sills is the diplaposition. In the world, it is called a Bolivian rose, and Chilean jasmine. Unfortunately, Mandeville flowers at home are rare in our floriculturists. The fact is that it is not easy to grow diplaposition , because it needs conditions close to the climate of the tropics. However, in the world little is impossible, so we will talk about Mandeville and the conditions for caring for it.

Care of Mandeville at home

One of the important conditions for proper care of Mandeville is sufficient lighting. The lack of light will lead to a flowering bloom and paleness of the leaves. It is best to place a pot of plant on the eastern window. It is possible and on the windowsill facing to the south, but this is provided that the summer in your region is not too arid. If possible, in the warm season, transfer the pot with the lily to the balcony or garden to the darkened area.

Mandevilla also prefers warmth into the room and is afraid of drafts. In the summer, she calmly withstands high temperatures just above 30 degrees, although she is more comfortable at 20-25 degrees. In winter, the plant needs to be placed in cooler conditions - about 15-18 degrees. Do not hold the vine by the battery, in a room with over-dried air.

Care for the Mandeville flower involves regular watering and spraying. Watering the plant should be abundant, while focusing on the drying out of the upper layer of the earth by 1-1.5 cm. Water for irrigation is required for standing, warm or room temperature. In winter, moisture is necessary for the flower much less often, do not overdo it, so that the roots do not rot. Like any inhabitant of the tropics, Mandeville adores regular spraying. However, when performing the procedure, try to avoid splashing water on the buds.

Periodically Mandeville requires fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants. Fertilizers should be applied during the active vegetation period (from spring to autumn) twice a month.

With the approach of December, the flower should be prepared for wintering. This involves pruning the shoots or shortening them by two-thirds of the length. As a result, the plant will be easier to bear cold snap, and in the spring it will give more shoots.

Transplantation and multiplication of Mandeville

The indoor Mandeville flower needs to be transplanted every spring. In the pot on the bottom lay a fairly large layer of drainage, and then a suitable soil. For the flower is suitable fertile land with acid reaction. The substrate is prepared from equal parts of leaf, turf, peat, sand and humus. Young plants are best planted in one pot tightly for several pieces. Adult Mandeville should be transplanted by the method of transshipment: that is, its roots are neatly transferred to a new pot without clearing them of an earthy coma. And, by the way, do not forget that Mandeville is a liana, which means that the flower needs support in the form of a ladder.

The reproduction of Mandeville is possible by the method of propagation. It is used in early spring or in the middle of summer. In the spring, cuttings are cut from young shoots, and in autumn - from semi-extruded branches. It is advisable to leave two leaves on each cuttings. Harvested cuttings should be treated with phytohormones, and then strengthened in a moist soil composed of sand, sphagnum moss peat. The container with cuttings is covered with a film or glass and placed in a warm room.