Zumba for losing weight

Zumba dance is a fashionable direction of fitness, which has become more popular lately. At the same time, up to 50 people can be present at the training, they are arranged in checkerboard in front of a large mirror. Under the incendiary music, the coach standing in front, shows the movements, the basis of which are elements of Latin American dances, such as meringue or salsa. Zumba is great for losing weight, because in one session you can burn up to 600 calories.

Benefits and contraindications to zumba

This fitness training has many positive points:

  1. During the dance, all muscle groups are involved, especially the lower ones. After a couple of lessons you will feel that the muscles begin to tighten and the body becomes more elastic. Zumba also helps to fight the most hated problem of women - cellulite.
  2. After intensive dance training, muscles and vessels leave excess fluid, and the whole body is saturated with oxygen, thanks to rapid breathing after classes.
  3. Positively affects the zumba and posture, increases stretching, improves flexibility and plasticity.
  4. In addition to the fact that this dance helps to keep all muscles toned and promotes weight loss, it also improves digestion, removes the heaviness in the stomach and stimulates the work of the pelvic organs. Also zumba is an excellent exercise for the heart muscle.
  5. Another plus of such dance exercises is the opportunity to be liberated both physically and psychologically.

Despite the significant benefit from zumbu employment, there are contraindications in which such training is not permitted, it is:

Zumba fitness for weight loss

The main purpose of the zumba, of course, is weight loss, and in order to make a noticeable result, you need to consider some points:

  1. To be engaged in a zumba is in loose and comfortable clothes, which will not impede movement.
  2. Training should be held at least three times a week for 30 - 60 minutes.
  3. During classes, drink water to prevent dehydration.
  4. Do not exercise on an empty stomach, the body can not withstand the load.

Of course, those who are engaged or are going to do zumba, are interested in how many calories are burned in one session. There is no exact data, because this figure depends on the duration of the training, on the intensity, on the physical preparation of the person, on his weight. On average, for a productive hour of training, you can burn from 500 to 700 calories.