Guinea pigs - breeds

Only true lovers of guinea pigs know how many their species exist and how fascinating to follow their way of life, behavior and preferences . The popularity of such a pet has led to the artificial breeding of exotic and incredibly beautiful breeds of guinea pigs.

Before making such an acquisition, it is worthwhile to study what kinds of guinea pigs there are, what they radically differ in appearance and characteristics of care . This will make the taming process and the animal and caring for it a pleasant process for all family members without exception. Consider the brightest representatives of this species of pets.

Guinea pigs of the Rex breed

These are the largest representatives of the species, which made it possible to call them "royal." However, the impressive size of the animal did not affect his character at all, and the pig of this breed is very friendly, active and unpretentious. It can easily be trained several simple commands or tricks.

Nutrition is not much different from the diet of other representatives of this species of mammals. The main condition for a full-fledged growth and development is constant access to plant foods, cleanliness of the place of residence and availability of fresh and clean water. The wool must be protruding, wavy and hard to the touch. Adherence of woolen covers is unacceptable. Color can be the most diverse.

Guinea pigs of the Self breed

A special feature of this type is uniform hair color throughout the body. Do not have any tan, inclusions or hairs of a different color. The tone can be varied, but black and white ones are very popular. The color of the coat should be clean and deep. Eyes, as a rule, are red. The inner part of the ear is a bright pink hue.

Guinea pig breed rosette

Abyssinian or rosette guinea pig is the most accessible and popular breed. It differs from its counterparts with surprising rosettes of wool, having different colors and sticking out in the most bizarre directions. It is allowed both combined and monochrome colors of the Abyssinian breed of guinea pigs. The exhibition copy must have at least eight "vichras", the more - the better. A special feature of the care is the obligatory weekly combing out of dead hairs.

Guinea pigs of Shelty breed

Textile or longhaired sheltie is one of the rare breeds of guinea pigs, possessing extremely long, wavy and dense hair that needs constant combing. This will eliminate confusion and give the animal a chic appearance. It is also necessary to remove the cage from the fallen hair and impurities, in order to keep the long-haired breed of guinea pigs clean.

Guinea pigs of the Skinny breed

You immediately recognize the representative of this breed for almost complete absence of wool, which can only grow on the muzzle, shoulders, ankles or back. Color can be the most diverse, from pink to black. This species is bred in American laboratories and is actively bred by breeders of all countries.

Guinea pigs of the Teddy breed

These animals have a flattened, Roman nose and huge shining eyes. Wool, as a rule, is short and all in curls, hard and dense to the touch. Subspecies can have a hard, wire-like wool covering that covers the top of the face.

Guinea pigs of the crested breed

Crested sprouts can be distinguished by the presence of a rosette on the vertex, the color of which differs from the main color. Their wool is short and dense, which greatly facilitates the care of animals. Ideally, the mumps beetle must be monochrome, but different color variations are allowed.

Guinea pig of Ridgeback breed

This species is considered a derivative of rosette guinea pigs. Representatives of the species have a crest of hair, located along the entire back. The wool is slightly harsh, dense and short.