Increased ESR

The rate of erythrocyte sedimentation is a nonspecific test that indicates the presence or absence of an inflammatory process and intoxication in the body. The increase in ESR can be for physiological reasons or indicate a pathology that develops in the body. About that means increased ESR, other blood tests, as well as clinical manifestations of the disease and the medical history will prompt.

Method of analysis

The test is carried out quite simply - the test tube is filled with fresh blood. A mandatory condition is a vertical test tube with a measuring column. The assistant checks the time. From the moment of transfusion of blood into the test tube, an hour must pass. During this time, the blood cells - red blood cells, in this case, will sink to the bottom, and the blood plasma - the liquid, will remain on top. At the beginning of the analysis it is important to note at what level the blood was. At the end of the analysis, a mark should be made, to which the red blood cells descended. The difference between these two values ​​is the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. Normal ESR in men - 2-10 mm / h, in women - 2-15 mm / h.

Physiological causes of increased ESR

Often, when a blood test is taken, the ESR is elevated. It is not always a sign of a pathological process. Thus, a slight increase in ESR can be observed in boys from 4 to 12 years. When ESR is increased, the reasons can be covered in eating or receiving medications.

Increased ESR is considered physiological in women during pregnancy. It can reach values ​​of 50-60 mm / h. Often such values ​​are observed together with an increase in the number of leukocytes.

Pathological conditions

Pregnancy almost always passes with an increase in the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, and it is considered the norm - doctors do not take this condition. But when there is low hemoglobin and increased ESR, it is anemia in pregnant women. This condition requires treatment.

Increased ESR in oncology also manifests itself as high values ​​and can range from 12 to 60 mm / h. In addition, ESR can be increased, and white blood cells are normal. This situation indicates that the bone marrow is affected by the tumor. Normally, this situation can occur in children.

ESR can increase with intoxication of the body. When the fluid goes away a lot, and the blood elements remain. Then, ESR is one of the first signs of blood thickening.

Often increased ESR in renal diseases - nephrotic and nephritic syndromes. In patients with chronic hepatitis, an increase in this criterion can be considered a transition of the disease to the active phase.

When a person has ESR increased, the causes can be covered in collagen diseases. In order to exclude lupus, it is necessary to take a blood test for lupus cells. Eliminate Bechterew's disease ( ankylosing spondylitis ) will help C-reactive protein. And with 85% get rid of the diagnosis of rheumatism will help the concomitant analysis of citrulline vimentin and citrulline peptide.

ESR as a diagnostic criterion

The syndrome of elevated ESR is often used in medical practice as a diagnostic criterion for testing the effectiveness of treatment. With proper therapy, increased ESR is gradually reduced.

When there is an increased ESR in the blood, treatment is primarily in taking anti-inflammatory drugs .

About why elevated ESR in the blood, it is worthwhile to think about each person who received an increased result in the analyzes. At once it is necessary to address to the doctor. However, do not forget that sometimes the cause of a high result can be a system error, a lab technician or the influence of external factors.