Hormone serotonin

Serotonin is a hormone that takes part in many physiological processes occurring in the human body. Serotonin has the following effect:

How does serotonin affect the body?

A sufficient level of serotonin in the blood provides a good mood and high performance. That's why serotonin is called a "hormone of happiness." The lack of a hormone in the body causes:

In addition, there are changes in the physical condition, including, the person suffers from frequent colds, allergies , etc.

Causes of impaired serotonin production

Mainly, the lack of a hormone of serotonin is observed in the inhabitants of the countries most remote from the equatorial belt. And this is understandable: the lack of sunlight leads to the fact that the production of serotonin practically ceases.

Other causes of the violation of hormone synthesis are associated with diet, diseases of the digestive system (including dysbiosis) and the intake of certain medications, most often antidepressants.

How to increase the level of serotonin - the hormone of happiness?

To increase the production of serotonin, experts recommend:

  1. It is often on the street in the morning and afternoon.
  2. Create good room lighting with fluorescent lights.
  3. Adjust the daily routine, increasing the time allotted for sleep.
  4. Exercise, move more.

One of the available ways to increase the level of serotonin is to include in the diet products containing substances that promote the formation of a hormone in the body:

With severe shortage of hormone therapy is carried out in a hospital. The patient is selected individual treatment, which includes:

In the presence of functional disorders, a special treatment is prescribed, for example, with tachycardia due to a deficiency of the serotonin hormone, drugs for regulating the cardiovascular system are indicated.