How to treat a bad cold?

Nasal congestion and discharge from the maxillary sinuses are considered one of the most unpleasant symptoms of infection or allergy. Before treating a bad cold, you need to find out the exact reasons for its occurrence. It is also important to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process and to conduct laboratory tests on the response to histamines.

What should I do if I have a bad cold?

First, you need to find out what factors triggered the appearance of this symptom.

If the cause of the common cold is a viral infection, a long-term complex therapy is needed. As a rule, it consists of the following drugs:

  1. Immunomodulators and immunostimulants, allowing to strengthen the body's defenses and stop the spread of pathogenic cells.
  2. Vitamins and ascorbic acid. These drugs help to normalize metabolic processes, produce an antioxidant effect.
  3. Antihistamines. Good cope with allergic rhinitis or recurrence of hay fever.
  4. Antiviral medicines. Prevent further mutation of healthy cells due to infection, ensure the destruction of the virus.

The first and last group of drugs is often issued in a combined form. Among them, the most effective are Interferon, Viferon and Cycloferon.

In the case when bacterial infection acts as a provoking factor, antibiotics are prescribed for a severe cold. Previously, a swab should be taken from the nose to determine which specific microorganisms caused the disease, and also to establish their sensitivity to a number of antimicrobial agents.

The most preferred are broad-spectrum antibiotics:

Sometimes cephalosporins are effective:

The most secure antimicrobial agent is Augmentin.

How quickly to cure a bad cold?

If necessary, to eliminate the described symptom in the shortest possible time and to facilitate nasal breathing, one should use local medicines in the form of medicinal solutions and drops. Most quickly, vasoconstrictive drugs cope with this task:

It is important to note that such drugs are addictive, so they can be applied no more than 5-7 days.

There are also drops with immunomodulating effect, for example, IRS 19. Parallel it is possible to take homeopathic preparations (Sinupret, Otsilokoktsinum, Aflubin, Viburkol).

Treatment of a strong cold with folk remedies

Non-traditional methods of therapy of pathology are based on vasoconstrictor and antiseptic action. Especially recommended are natural drops:

The listed liquids should be instilled in each nostril by 1-2 drops not more than 4 times a day, otherwise irritation may occur. To wash the mucous membranes and facilitate the removal of the separated masses, use a saline solution (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

In addition, folk medicine advises to take funds with a high content of vitamin C to maintain immunity and antioxidant effect: