Bronchitis - symptoms and treatment in adults as soon as possible

This disease, although not part of the most dangerous group, such as, for example, pneumonia, but causes serious complications and its lethality grows every year. Bronchitis, symptoms and treatment in adults is a topic that requires detailed consideration to avoid serious consequences of the ailment.

Types of bronchitis in adults

Officially, in the international classification, the types of bronchitis are divided into acute and chronic, but among specialists one more form is given - obstructive.

  1. Acute bronchitis. This condition is characterized by diffuse inflammation of the mucosa of the tracheobronchial tree, while the amount of secretion of bronchial secretion increases, a cough appears with sputum discharge.
  2. Chronical bronchitis. With this form, the bronchial tree is affected, the secretory apparatus of the mucosa is reconstructed and accompanied by inflammation with hypersecretion of sputum. Against this background, the protective and purifying function of the bronchi is weakened.
  3. Obstructive bronchitis. This form is accompanied by narrowing of the bronchi, which leads to difficulty in the withdrawal of sputum and mucus. This occurs against the backdrop of prolonged inflammatory processes in the bronchi.

Bronchitis - Causes

If you already talk about this disease, you need to start by asking the cause of bronchitis in adults. The main and accepted factors in the whole world are:

Chronical bronchitis

Bronchitis in adults in chronic form has many causes, among which the following are the main and most common:

  1. Problems with immunity. Reducing the protective function of the body is often the trigger mechanism for triggering a microbial process in the body, leading to bronchitis.
  2. Smoking cigarettes. The inhalation of tobacco smoke often provokes the onset and development of inflammation in the bronchial mucosa.
  3. Heredity. In this group of risk, the innate feature of the bronchial tree becomes the cause of the disease, in which the bronchi themselves are too susceptible to the most insignificant provocateurs.
  4. All kinds of infections. Development of the disease occurs due to bacterial, viral or atypical infection. As a rule, these infections are not the primary cause, but become the causative agents of inflammation in the bronchi combined with other causes that increase the negative influence of each other.
  5. Climatic conditions. This factor is not considered the causative agent of the inflammatory process, but often plays an important role, creating a favorable environment for the development of chronic bronchitis.
  6. Chemical pathogens (pollutants). Inhaling couples of this kind of compounds regularly, you can easily get a response of the bronchi in the form of their spasm and the development of the inflammatory process in the tracheobronchial tree.

Acute bronchitis

The leading causes of acute forms of bronchitis of an infectious nature are:

Inflammation of non-infectious bronchi has chemical and physical causes in the form of dust, cold and hot dry air, smoke, acid and alkali vapors, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and chlorine. The occurrence of bronchitis on the background of these factors is more likely to develop in those who are disposed to allergies.

Bronchitis - symptoms

The symptomatology of this ailment depends on the form of bronchitis, the cause that provoked inflammation and the stage of development. To understand that a person has bronchitis, the symptoms in adults are usually as follows:

Temperature with bronchitis

When diagnosed as "bronchitis," the symptoms and treatment in adults are interdependent, because the symptoms of the ailment involve certain therapy in each particular case. The increase in temperature with inflammation of the bronchi, as a rule, is insignificant and does not require the intake of antipyretic agents. In this case, the temperature signals that the body is trying to contain the infection by inhibiting the heat transfer process. Bronchitis without fever is not an occasion for self-medication, so in both cases, you need to see a doctor.

The increase in temperature and the duration of this condition depends on the individual characteristics of the organism and the form of the course of the disease. In general, this is 3-5 days with an average of 38 degrees. In the early days, the mark on the thermometer can reach 39. Take funds that lower the temperature, do not recommend if it does not exceed 38.5, since this indicates the full mobilization of the body's defenses.

Cough with bronchitis

Signs of bronchitis are numerous, but still the main thing is a cough. For this disease, such a symptom is a normal phenomenon, which indicates that the body is trying to cope with inflammation, increasing the amount of mucus produced. He can not cope with so many sputum, so they go away with a cough.

Bronchitis - Diagnosis

Diagnosing inflammation of the bronchi is not difficult, therefore, the presence of bronchitis based on anamnesis and the presence of underlying symptoms is often determined.

  1. Collect patient complaints and analyze the findings, after which the doctor begins a clinical examination.
  2. Auscultation - diagnosis of bronchitis, consisting of examining the chest, listening with a phonendoscope of the lungs and heart.
  3. General blood test, determination of ESR .
  4. Sputum analysis, in order to determine the causative agent of bronchitis and how this agent is resistant to antibacterial drugs.

Bronchitis - treatment

Depending on the causes of inflammation, prescribe the treatment of bronchitis in adults. This is usually a comprehensive therapeutic approach, including taking prescribed medications and various inhalations. Self-medication is not recommended to avoid undesirable consequences and complications. Do not forget that the acute form of the disease can easily go into a chronic, get rid of which is much more difficult.

Medicine for bronchitis

Bronchitis - the symptoms and treatment in adults is determined by the therapeutic approach. Means of treatment of bronchitis include drugs:

Antiviral drugs should be taken immediately, after two days they are useless. Among the most effective tools for fighting viruses:

If there was a need to take antipyretics, then it is better to stop the choice of such drugs:

  1. Aspirin. Single intake should not exceed 500 mg.
  2. Paracetamol. The dose at a time from 600 to 1000 mg.
  3. Ibuprofen. The dosage for this agent is 400-600 mg.

Reception of expectorant and antitussive drugs is performed in accordance with the recommendations of the attending physician. Among the medicines of this group are:

Antibiotics for bronchitis are taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription. In some cases, admission will be simply ineffective, for example, in the viral nature of the disease. Antibiotic for bronchitis in adults is prescribed only if there is a bacterial infection. Among the recommended drugs:

Inhalation with bronchitis

In the question of how to treat bronchitis in adults, they often talk about various inhalations using a nebulizer, an ultrasonic inhaler or steam inhalations. Bronchitis, the symptoms and treatment in adults, which we carefully disassemble, are treated not only with pharmaceuticals, but also with the help of infusions and herbal decoctions.

  1. When using a nebulizer and inhaler inhalation with Lazolvan , Fluimutsil, ATSTS, Rotokan, chlorophyllite and mineral water is used.
  2. Steam inhalations are carried out with the use of herbs: calendula, sage, eucalyptus, wild rosemary, raspberry leaves, oregano, chamomile, mint, pine buds, juniper.

Treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies

Bronchitis - a disease, symptoms and treatment in adults which requires judicious decisions. In the question of how to treat bronchitis, they often seek help from folk medicine. Treatment of chronic bronchitis with the help of folk recipes can not be taken as a panacea, but it is necessary to treat them as an auxiliary therapeutic methods. It is important to consult a doctor beforehand and get his consent to use non-traditional methods of treatment.

Glycerin honey and lemon with bronchitis


Preparation and use

  1. Boil the lemon for 5 minutes.
  2. Squeeze the juice into a container of 250 ml.
  3. Add glycerin and honey to the juice.
  4. Stir and let it brew for 3-5 hours.
  5. Take a tablespoon up to seven times a day.

Onion broth with bronchial cough


Preparation and use

  1. The onions must be cut and boiled in milk until softened.
  2. Before consuming the broth, 1 tsp is added to it. honey on the basis of 1 tbsp.
  3. Take every hour from one to three days.

Radish with honey from inflammation of the bronchi


Preparation and use

  1. Radish thoroughly washed and make it a recess so that the bowl will turn out.
  2. In the hole, pour honey, cover with a cut hat from a radish and put the radish in a bowl.
  3. Leave to infuse at room temperature until the radish releases juice.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. l. up to four to five times a day.

Propolis with bronchitis


Preparation and use

  1. Melt the butter, add propolis to it and mix it.
  2. Add honey and mix again.
  3. How to cure bronchitis with propolis - take the mixture in a diluted form at the rate of 1 tsp. for half a glass of warm water.

Bronchitis - complications

Treatment of bronchitis in the home, without consulting a doctor can lead to disastrous consequences. Before doing self-medication, read the possible complications:

Prevention of bronchitis

Everyone knows the expression that it is better to prevent the disease than to treat it. The prevention of bronchitis, the symptoms and treatment in adults which we discussed above, implies an integrated approach.

To avoid inflammation of the bronchi, the following measures should be taken:

  1. Strengthening the immune system.
  2. A healthy and rational diet, including the intake of all the necessary vitamins and trace elements into the body.
  3. HLS, which includes the rejection of harmful working conditions and tobacco smoking.
  4. Prevention of bronchitis in adults implies the timely treatment of other diseases.
  5. Wellness through visits to resorts, sanatoria and dispensaries.